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Tommie's pov

"IF YOU DONT FOLLOW THE RULES, THAT FUCKER WILL KILL YOU! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT IM TRYING TO-"his sentence was cut off by a gunshot. Then his head exploded into a million pieces. He fell to his knees and I saw Cameron behind him holding a gun. I noticed there was now blood all over my body. I began to shake. He put the gun down. "Well, that was dramatic"he shrugged before pulling his shirt off. He walked over to me and began to wipe the blood from my face with his shirt. I was in such shock that I didn't move.

That was only one of the murders I witnessed at the hands of this monster. And this is one of hundreds that I witnessed. Some times he made me help him burry the bodies. But let's go back to where this began....

4 weeks and 2 days earlier..

"Try harder"I said to Tie. "Your ass is literally to big! No skinny jeans! Joggers! Shorts! Sweat pants!"with every burst of effort he pulled at the pants. "God! Fuck it! I'm wearing the black joggers"I said falling over on the couch. "Thank god, I broke both of my hands"Tie said. I pulled off the pants and walked into my closet. "You have to many clothes!"Tie shouted. I'm pretty average for a blatina, very curly hair that I hate, milk carmel skin, light brown eyes, I'm 5'4 exactly and weigh about 100 pounds but not exactly.

At school

We walked down the hallway. "Me and the guys are meeting in the alley at lunch, your coming to right?"he asked. "Of course, you think I'm gonna stay in a room filled with what I hate the most? People?"I said. He chuckled. "I'll see you there"he said fist bumping me.

At lunch...

I walked into the alley, slowly, something didn't feel right. I peeked around the corner and saw all 5 of my friends, and one guy that I didn't recognize. They were talking about something. "Listen Tie, I totally understand, you and your friends need more time to get my money, that's perfectly ok"the man chuckled. "Thank you Cameron, such an understanding m-"Tie was cut off by the Cameron guy pulling out a gun. He shot all of my friends in the face. They didn't even get a chance to react. He looked at tie on the ground before he shot him several more times. I covered my mouth and my hands shook. He turned around smirking, looking directly at me. "Hello beautiful!"he said. I turned around bolted away from him. I heard him chuckle, then his feet beating the ground behind me. He was chasing me. I didn't last very long. He tackled me to the ground. He flipped me over on my back. "Wow, your body says your athletic but your run says other wise"he bit his lip. I was terrified, the blood splattered on his face made him even more scary. "What? Are you scared baby"he laughed as he pinned my hands to the ground. "Help! Help me please!"I screamed. It stepped on my wrist and covered my mouth. Then he pulled the gun from the back of his pants. He pointed it to my head. "Be, quiet"he said through clenched teeth. I stayed quiet as he removed his hand. "You know that guy? The one I shot in the head 6 times?"he asked. Frightened, I nodded as he wiped the blood from his face with his shirt. "Did you see everything?"he asked. I nodded again. He huffed and then got off of me. He pulled me up from the ground and put the gun to my back, under my jacket. "Alright, were gonna walk nice and slow, try anything stupid, I'll blow your head off your shoulders, k?"he winked before we started walking out of the alley way. "I'm assuming that your a good actress"he said. I shook my head, shivering in fear. "Well your going to learn today tuts, straight posture, wipe your tears, smile and wave, got it?"he asked digging the gun into my spine. I quickly wiped my tears as we walked into the busy streets of New York. "Your eyes are red, people are either going to assume your high it that you just sucked me off in an alley way, this is new York"he said. Is he making a joke right now? My lips quivering as we walked towards an unfamiliar car. "Excuse me! Tommie! Its me Abigail!"my friend shouted. "Sorry Abby but Tommie can't talk right now"I felt him load the gun to my back. "Right Tommie?"he said. "Y-yeah, we have to go help my step mom"I said trying to sound less scared. "Well, your welcome to walk us to my car Abigail"he said. My heart sank to my stomach. "Much appreciated! I need to talk to Tommie about the history project"she said happily. "Well, my name is Cameron"he smiled. As we walked into the vacant parking lot. "Why'd you park all the way out here?"Abigail asked before Cameron shot her in the face. I screamed as loud as I could, then began crying. "Shut up and get in the car"he said opening the door and forcing me into the front seat. I could tell where this was going...

Just to be clear! This is what Cameron looks like in this book! He's not regular Cameron Dallas!

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