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The tables creak was the only other thing louder than my moans. Cameron's thrusts were no longer slow and passionate, but speedy and rough. I heard a noise coming from upstairs. "Cameron"I moaned. He ignored. Suddenly there was another noise, this time even louder. Cameron stopped what he was doing. "What the hell was that"he panted, beginning to pull his pants up. "I don't know"I panted, getting off the table and covering myself with the couch blanket. He walked to the kitchen, pulling me along with him. He pressed me to the wall. "Stay here"he demanded before opening a drawer and pulling out a gun. I nodded as he checked how many bullets were in it, then he loaded it and held it out in front of him. He looked at me before walking towards the stairs. I waited for a bit, then peeked behind the wall. I still couldn't see anyone. I huffed and turned back around. Then I came face to face with a gun. "Hello beautiful"he smiled as I began to shake. His eyes were a piercing shade of blue, almost like crystal. "Why don't you put your clothes back on, were gonna go for a ride"he smiled. I slowly walked over to my clothes, still feeling the gun pointed at me. "So, you his new toy?"the man asked. "W-what do you mean"I asked quickly re-clothing. "You certainly look like a toy"he chuckled grabbing my arm making me face him. Then he shoved the gun in my mouth. I whimpered out in fear. "Tell me, Barbie, how upset would he be if I blew your head off right now? Huh?"he smiled as tears ran down my face. "Do you think he'd be so terribly upset, that he'd kill himself?"he smirked, pushing the gun more into my mouth. I whimpered again. "Damn, sure can fit a lot in your mouth, huh barbie"he chuckled as he pulled the gun out of my mouth. I fell to my knees in shock. "Hi Cameron"he smiled, still looking at me. I turned around to see Cameron there, his gun pointed at the man. "The fuck are you doing here Nash"he asked. "I came to collect, Cameron"Nash smiled. "What are you talking about, I already paid the 20,000"Cameron growled. Nash chuckled. "I already got my money"he said grabbing my hair and pulling me to my feet. "But there was something else you stole from me"Nash smirked, putting the gun to my head. "How many times do I have to tell you, I DIDN'T STEAL HER, SHE DIDN'T LOVE YOU"Cameron screamed. Were they talking about Taylor? "The fact of the matter is, you took my girl, I'm taking yours"Nash said. "..fine, she's not even my girl, she's only here for fun"Cameron said. "For fun huh?"Nash smiled, turning my face towards him. "No bruises, well nourished, that doesn't look like your definition of fun at all Cameron"he said putting the gun to my chin. "Get that god damn gun out of her face!"Cameron yelled loading the gun. Nash laughed. "You know those bullets won't hurt me, I'm a failed experiment just like you cam"he said against my ear. "C-cameron"I cried. "What Tommie"he says, directing his attention to me. "J-just let him take me"I cried. "You hear that? She wants to come with me"Nash smirked against my neck. "No. Fuck no"Cameron said. "Cameron he'll kill you"I whimpered. "Aawwe, barbie cares about you ken"Nash chuckled before shooting Cameron in the arm. "NOOOOO"I screamed as Cameron fell down. Nash picked me up with one arm and carried me out of the house. I noticed that the bracelet didn't zap me. I began to kick and scream as loud as I could. "CAMERON! CAMERON! HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEEEASE!"I screamed as we approached a running car. "Stop squirming Barbie or I'll have to hurt that pretty face"he said before opening the trunk. "NO! NOO!"I screamed whilst being thrown in the trunk. He smiled at me, before closing me into darkness.

To be continued.....

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