how you met

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your friend wanted to go and see a concert which a band named Calpurnia was playing at. you've heard a song or two of theirs but didn't listen to them often, though the lead singer was quite cute. after about an hour of begging, your friend finally managed to get you to come.
after you and your friend were settled in, the band started their concert off with the song 'City Boy,' to which the fans started screaming, including your friend.
an hour or so later the concerts over and you and your friend are heading back to her car. "dammit, I left my phone back there, I'll be right back." as you sprint back into the building you bump into someone and tumble to the ground. "i'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and I-" you look up and see that it's Finn Wolfhard, the lead singer of Calpurnia. you quickly get up and brush yourself off, feeling flustered. he just chuckles. "it's alright, mistakes happen. oh and by the way, were you looking for this by chance?" he pulls out your phone and hands it to you. "yes, thank you." he nods and starts to walk away as you turn the other direction.
when you get home you get a call from someone in your phone named 'Frog Face.' you raise an eyebrow in confusion and answer. "hello?" "hey, it's Finn. i added my number into your phone last night."
it was around 1am and you just couldn't fall asleep. you decided to go to your favorite 24 hour coffee shop. you threw on a plain white crop top, grey sweatpants, threw your hair into a messy bun, grabbed your laptop, and headed out the door. when you arrived you were immediately disappointed to see that all the seats were filled except for one, which already had one other person sitting there. you shyly walk over to the table and tap the guy on the shoulder. you usually liked to sit alone and not socialize since you were a major introvert. "hey, um is this seat taken?" the guy looks up from his menu and your breath hitches. he was hot! "no it's not, you can sit here if you'd like." you smiled and took a seat across from him. when the waitress came around you ordered a carmel frappe. as you start to pull out your wallet, the man across from you quickly whips out his wallet before you and pays for your drink. you stared at him dumbfounded. "i could've payed for that you know." "i know, but it was the right thing for me to do. I'm Jaeden." he stuck out his hand to shake. you shook his hand and laughed. "(I'm y/n.)"
you've been walking around town for the past hour and a half, trying to figure out how to get home. you had just moved into the neighborhood about a week ago and planned on going for a walk, which ended up in you being lost. you contemplated a couple times about knocking on someone's door to use their phone, but you thought better of it and just kept searching. after another 10 minutes of having no idea where you were, you decide to call it a night and just crash somewhere. you see an old abandoned home in the distance and run towards it. you quickly hop the fence into their backyard when you suddenly freeze. there, lying on the ground, is a boy. at first you freaked the fuck out because you thought it was a dead body, but as you got closer, you realized he was most definitely alive, but asleep. you slowly creep next to the boy and carefully poke him in the chest. immediately you are grabbed by the arm and thrown on top of the boy, screaming bloody murder. you sit up in a rush to see the boy laughing his ass off. "you're such a dick," you say as you shove him. "I'm not a dick, I'm Wyatt."
you were heading to the skating rink with your 2 friends, (2 of y/f/n,) to learn how to roller skate. well, your friends already knew how, they just felt the need to bring you along and watch you miserably fail. when you got to the place you were immediately upset. there were tons of people there, which means a ton more people to watch you slip and fall on your ass. after getting your skates on, your friends held your hands and helped you onto the rink. after about two steps you almost fall, but luckily your friends held on to you. you tried to skate on your own for about 10 minutes, failing most of the time. after what felt like the 1,000th try, you start to actually skate. well kinda. more like glide a few inches without tripping. you quickly look behind you to where your friends are at to get their attention at your accomplishment, when you suddenly ram into someone and fall on your ass. "oh my fucking god that really hurt," you say as you rub your butt. you try to get up but end up falling again. "here, let me help you." you look up to see a really cute boy with curly hair, holding his hand out for you to take. "no, that's ok, I've got this." you shake off his gesture and try to stand, but slip for the millionth time, onto your ass again. the boy who was watching you chuckles and skates around behind you. he picks you up and stands you back onto your feet. "thanks, I'm new at this." you say, embarrassed. "i could tell, do you want me to teach you?" you stare at him, wondering if he's serious. "but I don't even know you?" "well, I'm Jack, and you?" "(y/n)" "great, now you know me and I know you, let's get this lesson started."
it was a dark Friday night, you had just left a fellow students party and planned on walking home, only you were drunk and had no idea how to get there. you went around asking people if you could hitch a ride with them, to which all guys took as a gesture for sex. after about 20 minutes of you asking for a ride and turning guys down, you finally find a girl to ask. her name was Sophia, she was pretty and kind but you just never seemed to talk to her. there weren't many girls at this party so it was a miracle that you actually found a girl who wasn't sucking some guy's face off by this point. Sophia was leaning against a wall, drinking out of her solo cup when you spotted her. you could tell she was a bit drunk, but not as drunk to the point where she's slurring all her words. "hey, do you mind if I could hitch a ride? I need to get home before I consume any more alcohol." you say through hiccups. "of course! i'm getting a bit sick watching couples make out and guys talking about god knows what." she says. you both laugh and head to Sophia's car. as she pulled out, the radio turned on and started playing your favorite song. you couldn't help but start belting out the lyrics, you do it all the time.  about 5 seconds into the song you hear another voice belting it out with you. you turn and see Sophia laughing and singing along with you. you both made eye contact and smiled, while continuing to sing. after the song was over you both burst into a fit of laughter. Sophia pulls into your driveway and turns to you before you get out. "I can tell we're going to be great friends."
you were inside Sephora, deciding which shade of lip gloss would look best on you. your arms were already covered in makeup swatches of literally everything. after looking around the store to see if you could find anyone to swatch makeup onto, you find a guy who looks bored out of his mind. it looked like he was there with his sister, who was also testing lip gloss shades. you walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder. he turns and stares at you, looking a bit surprised. you put on your award winning smile and go for it. "hey, I'm Emma. i came over hear because you looked like you had nothing to do, so I was wondering if you'd like to be my makeup tester." you say really quick, thinking he'd say no immediately. he chuckles and says "sure, why not. it's better than sitting here and watching my sister." you smile and pull him by the arm to the direction of the aisle that you're looking in. "before you do anything, I'd just like to say that my name's Chosen." "great, well Chosen, take a seat because we're going to be here awhile."
it was a cold and rainy morning. there had just been a storm that night and most of the power in the neighborhood was off, except for s couple buildings. since you had nothing better to do, you decided to head to the library. the library was one of your favorite places, you always went there when you needed to get away from your annoying siblings. plus the library was one of the few buildings that still had power. the library was a short bike ride from your house, so within the next 5 minutes you were already looking through the aisles. you were looking for an older book, IT to be exact. after scanning through many aisles you finally find it. you begin to pull the book out, but as you do someone pulls it the other direction. you look through the stacks of books to see a boy also reacting for the same book you wanted. "oh sorry, here you can have it." you say, taking your hand off the book for the boy to grab. "no it's fine, I've read the book many times. I just love checking it out because it was one of my favorites." he says, handing you the book. after thanking the boy and checking out, you go and sit at a table in the back. as soon as you take a seat, you notice someone else sit next to you. not bothering to look up you continue reading. "you're really pretty." you hear someone blurt next to you. this time being a bit curious, you look up and see the boy staring at you. "me?" you say as you point to yourself. "yes you, I'm Jeremy." he holds his hand out for you to shake. taking his gesture you say "thanks, I'm (y/n)."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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