Settling in ch.2

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      A small house it was, small indeed, but for sure it was welcoming. Sometimes having something small can fill your heart more then something twice the size of that. If someone gave Brianna a thousand dollars that wouldn't be worth as much as the necklace her father has given her. He might have only spent at most $10 but that didn't matter. Little things like that can have more value to someone than anything in the world. That's why even the smallest things count.
      What happened to her father? No one knows. Left one day and the next he was pronounced missing, then dead. That was tragic. Seeing her mother cry for the first time is always panicking. It's like the foundation of the house all of the sudden decided to crumble right beneath you. Years later now, they still don't have answers, but one must try to move on. If she doesn't, then more problems would arise, she's stronger than that. But sometimes when the wind blows the wrong way all she wants to do is cry.
      A house is labeled a house because it doesn't feel like a home. Homes are supposed to feel welcoming and warm, yet when she walked into the threshold of her property, something felt cold. Just not quite right. Although, that feeling has surrounded Brianna her whole life after her fathers passing. It actually never left. That's the scary thing. Will it leave? For years she had shrugged it off. But it's stuck on her brain with super glue.
       Brianna thought that moving somewhere very far away, she could find a way to recuperate, to just let go, to leave behind bad memories.
      The sound of a telephone pierced in her ears, she then sprung from her suit case and went over to the wall to answer the call.
      Her voice was raspy from the jet lag and lack of sleep from her insomnia.
      "Um name is Aiden, I live across the street from you and I was just wondering if you needed help with anything?"
      A voice that had a slight Italian accent over the phone surprised her. She was %100 expecting her mom to be spamming with calls every second.
      "Hi Aiden, actually, a bunch of boxes filled with my things are still on its way over seas, but anytime you'd want to come over, feel free to give me a knock."
      She smiled speaking into the phone, her first social encounter with someone here and it was going pretty well.
     Her only hopes is that everyone could be nice like Aiden. Although as much as she could pray for that, the world has some nasty people in it, and that was a fact.
      After about 5 hours of just settling in, and despite her tiredness, Brianna decided to go out, explore the world around her. A drink will be good enough. I've earned it. She thought.
      When she finished getting ready, she immediately left her house to get to the bus station. It's scary to leave the house since it's about all she has here, you only live once applied %100 in this situation. But that's why it's fun. It's fun to not know what's gonna come next, but surly it can also be very scary.

- sorry about delay, and weird chapter
Next chapter will be about her bar visit, who she meets ;) and what she may encounter the next day.

TELL me if you like the story so far :)) and if you need to talk  anything my messages are open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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