Terezi 🐉

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Hi there here a thing for ya

(F/f/p)-favorite food place
(B/c)-blood color
(F/b)-favorite band

You and your matesprite Terezi were walking around the mall for a while, you see today is your anniversary you have been dating for three years now so you guys took the day to yourselves, you when to many shops and bought a lot of things "what about this"you help up a (f/b) "it would smell grate on you" she remarked as bought the items from Hot topic you started to get hungry "my my someone hungry" you blushed (b/c) "yeah, how about we get something to eat "sounds good to me" you walked to the near food place which was a (f/f/p)

🐲🐲🐲Time skip cuz im a lazy ass🐲🐲🐲

As you two sat down to eat (you or her if your female) pulled out a small square box with a ring in it and said "will you please be with me for ever"

Heyyy~ i hope you like it bye bye babes😘💋😘💋

Homestuck x Troll! reader REQUEST OPENWhere stories live. Discover now