New Reputation (high school AU)

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(A/N: This is going to be one of those pregnancy ones with a hinted lemon)

Pidge's POV:
I laid on my bed trying to sleep off what I thought was a stomach bug. But I didn't think it made sense, since it has been going on for a couple days straight. Though I still thought it was a bug, I then noticed that I had been acting a little more moody or quiet than usual. Then I remembered a party I went to with my boyfriend that Lance was hosting. Keith and I had been dating for two years, Keith nineteen and me seventeen, though I had preferred to be called Pidge, and my parents didn't really like Keith because despite the fact that he's a nice guy, he still doesn't get amazing grades at school. When we got to the party, we both got drunk-ish and 'did it', we both just remember waking up in each other's arms the next morning without cloths on. And ever since it's been kind of awkward for us, though we're still dating. Then I remembered one specific detail, I wasn't on birth control and we didn't use protection. I covered my mouth with my hands and sat up, I quickly grabbed some money in my pocket and bought a pregnancy test.
The Next Day
I got to school early like I usually did and took my test. When I looked at the results I choked back a scream, Keith and I were in so much trouble now. I waited impatiently for my friends to get to school and they met me in a private spot in the courtyard where they usually did. I saw Keith separate from his brother Shiro and sit next to me. He quickly saw how worried I seemed and so did Lance and Hunk.

Lance: Pidge? Are you okay, you look like you just saw a ghost...

I took a deep breath, telling them won't be too bad right...?

Pidge: Guys, I, have something to tell you all, especially Keith...

Keith looked at me with concern. Then I looked at my other concerned friends, how am I supposed to tell them there's a flipping baby growing in my stomach?

Pidge: 'Just go for it' I'm pregnant...

They all stared at me and when I turned to look at Keith he engulfed me in a hug which I melted into.

Lance: You're pregnant?! How?!

Pidge: Keith and I had sex at your party Lance...

Hunk: That would explain a lot...

Keith looked at me.

Keith: We're keeping it right?

I nodded as I suddenly saw someone run off.

Pidge: What the- HEY!

Damn it, now the school is going to know. Well better they know before hand than have them start questioning why my stomach is big... shoot! How am I supposed to tell my parents?! That's the thing, I can't tell them, either they'll have me get an abortion, put our baby up for adoption or never let me see Keith again, maybe a mix of all three!

Keith: Let them go Katie... so, two weeks along?

I nodded as the joy flooded back to me. I felt Keith peck my forehead before I heard Lance taking a picture. Keith quickly pulled away and glared at him.

Keith: What was that for?

Lance: Whaat? You guys are adorable!

Pidge: Heh... I'm sure our baby's gonna be adorable...

Keith: Yes it will...

Keith and I softly pressed our lips together and when we pulled away Keith placed a hand on my stomach.

Pidge: Keith, there's no bump yet... *giggles*

Keith: I know... just crazy that there's a baby in there...

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