Chapter 6

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On That Night 🌃

Jessie's POV

Jin and I break into a slight jog to catch up with the rest of the group who is already half way across the usual busy highway. We jump the railing entering the dark forest, only a few spots being lit up by the lights on the highway. We catch up with the others and I take out my phone and turn on the flashlight to light up the way. I see Jungkook start to slow his pace to walk alongside Jin and me. He smiles and puts his arms over my shoulder.

"Is your stomach satisfied or are you still hungry?" He jokes. I roll me eyes playfully and pucker my lips.

"Hmmmm I don't know, the burger I left still sounds pretty good." I laugh as he makes a poker face at my remark. "I feel your judgment. Don't make that face." I say and elbow his side slightly. He goes as far to 'run into' a tree and gasp dramatically. I stare at him, not at all surprised with his actions, "Are you done being extra or do you need a minute?" I say.

He scowls at me, "You're no fun." He whines and starts to walk by my side again. I check the time and it's nearly three in the morning. I sigh and throw my head back in frustration. Jungkook looks at me worryingly, "Hey, I was joking, I'm sorry." He says quickly. I look at him and slap his arm slightly.

"Don't be dumb, I just remembered I have the morning shift tomorrow and so does Diana, we're gonna be so tired." I complain. In the midst of my whining my foot got caught on a tree root and I fell. I braved myself for the impact and all the mud and leaves that will be on my clothes but, it never came. Instead I felt Jungkook's strong arms around my waist, holding me in place and pulling me back on to my feet. I blushed and looked down. Thank God it's night out.

He clears his throat but let's his arm rest on my lower back. "Just call in tomorrow, pretty sure Diana isn't gonna want to go either." He reasons. "He's right! We've both gone over the hour limit and we deserve a day off!!" Diana shouts from the front of the group. I laugh at the fact that she heard us talking when she's in the very front of the group, "Way to eavesdrop on a conversation, D!" I shout back to her.

"Not my fault you guys don't know how to talk quietly!!" She laughs. I roll my eyes playfully. "See? Just call in! I'll bring you breakfast tomorrow so you won't have to get out of bed." Jungkook suggests. My eyes go wide at what he just said because 1.) I only just met him and 2.) he doesn't need to see what my "home" is like.

"Umm.. n-no that's fine-y-you don't- don't bother." I stupidly manage to stutter out. "It's really no trouble, Jess." He says softly and pulls me into him as we walk. I panic, "How about I just meet you somewhere instead?" I suggest. It's better than him coming to the house and witnessing how Jennie and Junhyun behave. And again, I only just met him. Even though Jungkook looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly I still shouldn't let my guard down.

He seems skeptical at first but soon agrees to meet me a few blocks away from the coffee shop that I work at. We finally get to our destination. An empty, dirty abandoned pool in the middle of the forest. When I met the guys and Diana my Junior Year of high school we wondered out here one night and came across it and it's been our meet up spot ever since. The pool might've been an a part of a water park and it never got finished. Leaving only the empty adult swimming pool to get filled with dirt and to get covered in graffiti.

I'd be lying if I said most of the graffiti on the pool was of my doing. It's been five years since we found it for Gods sake. The city probably forgot about it and if they didn't they could honestly care less about it. It's in the middle of no where, it's where we all meet and spend late nights at and I wanted it to be filled with paintings to make it look less plain and dull. We all jump down into it, Diana, Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon going over to one of the old and battered mattresses that we all dragged out here and Jin, Taehyung and JHope moved a few chairs that were in a corner of a pool and sat down with the other four.

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