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Hey guys, it's Sine (sheena)!  So basically I thought I would write a random story that's NOT based on the magnificant One Direction.  Well actually it is.  Exept one direction all have girlfriends:( oh well.  You have to see in what way the story is connected with one direction, i promise you it will make sense:) In this story, we're 17, and just regular gals in the summer time lookin for love, you know, kinda. HAHA LANDSHARK.  Anyway, Arianna gave me the general idea of this story, it's just a thought you know... but i hope you little sexy unicorns would like it anyway ^_^                                                                                    P.S. im thinking it would end up being over 10 chapters depending on how everyone likes it.......                        Well enjoy :3                                                                                                                                                                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter One- Hot Topic

"So, get out, get out, get outta my head! And fall into my arms instead! I don't, i don't, don't know what it is..."

I rushed over to my phone to see a call from my best friend Arianna. 

"I should really put this on vibrate, it's way too loud!" i giggled into the phone,

"Child please, you're a directioner.  ANYWAY, wanna go to the mall today?  I need some new shoes, and you could get that ninja turtle backpack that Jenna Marbles has!  You know, if you get me one..."  i could almost hear her smiling into the phone, which was odd, because just a couple days ago she was sobbing about her now ex- boyfriend, Alex, who she broke up with a week ago.... Suspicion level rising....

"Sure I'd love too... pick me up in 30 mins, and tell me why your so happy all of a sudden my unicorn...."

"Oh yeah, i'll tell ya later.. GOTTAGOBYE!" *click*

I knew it.  Well i'm glad she finally got over Alex, that douche.... Last week she caught him making out with some blonde chick at a begining of summer party, he wasn't even drunk!  And besides today she hasn't been herself.  I wonder if her new boyfriend has a friend.... I don't want to sound desperate but to be honest i've been looking for a boyfriend.  Anyway, enough deep thought I gotta get ready, she'll be here in 28 minutes!  I quickly stripped off my clothes and hopped in the shower, washing my hair with my favorite Aussie shampoo and my body with my fav bath and body works scent, sweet pea!  I hopped out of the shower, (still 20 minutes left!!) dried myself, and wrapped a towel securely around my body.  I towel dried my hair, deciding to lightly curl it later, and grabbed my favorite high wasted shorts and a cut-off shirt that says: NO! Jimmy protested!  Cute.  I then curled my long brown hair, and slipped on a pair of flats, and put my ray bans on my head. FINISHED!  wait, makeup.  Shitttttt, ok just some mascara and eyeliner.  NOW finished.  With three minutes to spare.  Nicely done, Sheena.

Just then Arianna pulled up in my driveway.  Perfect timing for once!  I pranced downstairs to the kitchen.  "BYE MOM! I'm just going to the mall with Arianna!!" i yelled to my mother.  "Okay sweetie be back by dinner, or else." she said back to me, handing me an extra $20 in emergency money.  "Thanks mom I will!" and with that, I ran over to Arianna's car.  I hopped inside, and noticed she was smiling widely.  "OK," i said, "did i miss something?" i asked, looking around the car dramatically.  "Yeah, kinda..... Ok, I got a new boyfriend!" we both half squealed in excitement.  "Shocker Arianna," i grinned. "But i'm so happy for my little unicornette!!  Whats his name? What does he look like? Have you kissed??" i bombarded her with questions as she put the car in drive and set off to the mall.

"Ok, so his name is Chris.  He is too sweet!  He has blonde hair, dreamy green eyes, and he's pretty muscular.." she said with a dreamy look on her face, obviously thinking about him. "GO ON..." I replied, dragging the 'on'. "But... we havn't kissed yet.  We've only been going out for a couple days anyway... But maybe tonight we might kiss." "I hope so Ari.  Wait, you're going out tonight? AWW! When will I meet this handsome fellow." i cooed. "WELL, actually, today!! He's meeting me at the mall! I want you to meet him.  To get a feeling of what he's like, cuz if anything goes wrong: you always have the best dating advice." this made me smile one of my best smiles. "Oh shucks.. you're making me blush darling." i only halfway joked. I'm actually flattered I can help a friend through dating stuff, even though I don't have a boyfriend, which is really ironic I guess.

We arrived at the mall, and as we made our way inside, I spotted a cute guy, apperently she did too and she dragged me over to him.  "Sheena, this is Chris." she said smiling widely.  I gave her a look of approval. "Hi, nice to meet you, i've heard a lot about you." i said smiling at him and shaking his hand.  Arianna was right.  His eyes were dreamy, and his blonde hair really complimented him.  Not to mention he was ripped, you could tell through his polo shirt.  Nice job Ari, I approve.  All three of us hung out together, just going places in the mall and eating things.  I have to admit- I had a Niall moment.  Then again I didn't eat breakfast before we came to the mall.  Chris was cute, sweet, and adored Arianna, and she was the same.  They are perfect for each other!  I still couldn't help but feel jealous.  Not because I like-liked Chris, but because Arianna probably found her true love, and I might be an old cat lady, but i'm probably exaggerating.  I suppose i'm a drama queen sometimes, maybe just in my head.  I don't know.  All that I do know is that I want to find my true love someday!! Shut up brain that's cheesy, maybe that's why everyone says im a romantic.  Whatever, i'll keep taming unicorns till I find "THE ONE".

"Hey guys, i'm gonna head over to Hot Topic and see if they have any of those turtle backpacks.  Long story Chris.  Be back in twenty minutes BIIII!!!!" i winked at Arianna, and she wiggled her eyebrows.  I decided they needed some alone time, so before any of them could say 'Wait, i'll come!'  i left to Hot Topic.  I havn't been there in so long...

I skipped in, and found I was in a very good mood.  I soon got a text from Arianna saying: "thx, we needed some alone time;D".  I smiled and headed over to the thing I was looking for- TURTLE BACKPACK.  You would have to be a Jenna Marbles fan to know what I was talking about.  I walked over to the cash register, and the guy at the counter smiled at me.  He was actually quite cute: His light brown hair was swept to the side, which made him look amazingly hot, and his deep blue eyes really suited him. 

"Ninja turtle backpack?" he said laughing sweetly and softly.  "Long story," i said giggling and almost blushing.  "I have time.  I'm Josh." he smiled and I gladly shook his warm hand.  "I'm Sheena." i said, smiling my cutest smile.  We had a long conversation about random things, and just getting to know him.  This conversation could never end and I would be perfectly happy, he was sweet, funny, and intellegent.  Not to mention really cute.  Suddenly his boss came out. "Get back to work Josh and stop flirting with that girl!" she said angrily. "Hey sorry, I have to get back to work, but um... You seem really cool and I was wondering; If you'd like to go out sometime?" he said nervously.  "Of course!" i said with a smile.  He handed me a piece of paper and I gladly took it and jotted down my number.  I handed him the paper and picked up my stuff before leaving the store.  I looked behind me to see him staring at me with an adorable smile on his face.  I winked at him and he blushed and returned to his work.  I giggled and walked away to go find Arianna and Chris.

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