Chapter 2

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Hello my sexy unicorns.... It's Sine again!  As i'm writing this, it's 3:10am in the morning-_- lol but I decided to post yet another chapter of this story. This ch. is dedicated to hannah- you know who you are;) so all I can say is-- ENJOY BIRDIES OF THE WIND


   I couldn't stop the huge grin on my face!  I guess today was just one of those lucky days.  Either that or fate!  I just can't wait to tell Arianna this... Now where the fuck is she?  I stopped and thought for a moment.  My mind retraced to this morning.  AHA! I know excatly where she might be.  I walk over to the closest place that carries shoes and, just as I thought.  There was Arianna at the counter paying for her new pumps.  Oh, and Chris is here too, poor guy.  I can tell he just wants to get out of that store.  Before walking in, I get a text from a random number.. OMIGOD it's Josh!  I change the number to his name and a smiley face:)

Josh:)- Hey, it's Josh! Just wanted to make sure this was the right number before I get back to work xox

Sheena- Hey Josh!  Yeah it's Sheena, i'd love to talk but you need to "Get back to work" :p Text me back when you get out of work;) xoxo

Josh:)-  Alright babe, text ya later:)

Omgsus, he called me babe, and the xox made me nearly blush!  Suddenly I saw Arianna looking over my shoulder giggling and wiggling her eyebrows, so I giggled back and gave her a 'tell you later' look.  I noticed it was already 5:00 pm, I'd better get home soon.  "Arianna, it's 5:00, we'd better leave! Especially if you want me to help you get ready for your date." i said winking. "Damn, you're right.  Chris, we're gonna leave now! I luv ya!" she exclaimed kissing Chris' cheek. "I love ya too babe, I'll pick you up at 7?" "Sure sounds good," and with that sorted out, we left the mall and went over to Arianna's house.

We both hopped into Arianna's car and she pulled it out of the mall parking lot.  She turned on the radio to One Direction, YAY! "SOOOO....... Who's Josh?" Arianna asked me in a gossipy tone. "Oh yeah! Ok so we met at Hot Topic, he was the guy working the register, and we just got to know each other. No big deal.." i said, not really wanting to get embarresed by Arianna yelling this in front of my parents.  "Mmhmm," she replied this time with sarcasm in her voice. "He called you babe, and gave you xox! At least tell me what he looks like!" great. The puppy dog face too.  "Fine, I think I have a picture on my phone.." Yay! I did have one!  In the picture, he looked amazingly hot.  His eyes were extra sparkly, and he was smiling the most adorable smile!!  Arianna quickly looked over, then back at the road. "Wow.  He's pretty damn hot!" I could tell she was impressed.  "I know right, he's really sweet and funny too!" I admit, I blushed this time.  "Awww! See, you do like him!  You two are a cute couple by the way." she said winking at me.  Finally we pulled up into Arianna's driveway, just a couple houses from mine actually, and went inside to get her ready for her date.

I rummaged through Arianna's closet, looking for a cute dress for her too wear and settled on a lovely mid-thigh length dress with ruffles.  I handed her the dress and her new heels that she bought today and she scurried into the bathroom to change.  "Ta-daa! What do you think?" she said as she strutted out of her bathroom.  It fit her perfectly.  I gave the tiniest squeal and replied, "Omigosh Arianna, it's perfect! Now sit your ass down so I can do your hair and makeup."  I dabbed a layer of foundation and powder, then decided to do a purple smokey eye, which really made her brown eyes POP, along with a little mascara and a light pink lipstick to compliment the look.  PERFECT!  Now I straightened her tight curls and viola!  Finished!  "Okay sexy unicorn, what do you think??" I was very, very pleased with my work.  She nodded frantically and hugged me.  "Thanks so much!  I'm calling you every time I have a hot date." Arianna winked.  Finally, it was 7:00, and Chris had arrived to pick up his princess. 

"Are you sure you don't need a ride home?  We really wouldn't mind.."  "No, it's fine Arianna, my house is just down the road.  Now Chris, keep your dick in your pants, and we'll get along fine." i joked.  "Ok then, see ya later!" and they drove off, so I set off towards home.  I really didn't mind walking home, I needed the fresh air, and it gave me time to think.  But a really big surprise came for me down the road, because I spotted a boy playing throwing a football back and forth with a friend, and you can probably guess who that boy was.  Yup.  Josh lived in my neighborhood and I didn't even know it.  Apperently he saw me walking too, cause he called out, "Hey Sheena!  Come and join us if your not too busy."  "Woah, Josh! Wasn't expecting to see you here" i said smiling. "Of course, I was just walking home, so what's up?"  Me, Josh, and his friend, Dave, chatted it up for a little while, but it wasn't long before my mom called me.

"Sheena! Where have you been? I've been worried sick.  Come home right now young lady."

"It's alright mom, I was just at Arianna's, i'm walking home now. See you in a minute, kay. Bye.  Hey boys, sorry, I gotta go.  My mom wants me back."  i told the boys sadly.  "Oh babe, don't go!  I enjoy your company." Dave said winking at me and Josh elbowed him in the ribs.  "Sorry bout him, Dave's such a flirt. I'll text you later, Sheena, bye!" Josh said sweetly. "Kay bi guys!"  I skipped off to my house and opened to door to a very worried mom.  Uh oh.  Speech time.  "Sheena do you know how worried I was?  Where were you really? Did anything bad happen??" My mom questioned me.  "No, mom nothing bad happened.  I was just helping Arianna get ready for a date."  You could almost feel the tension lifting.  I ate dinner and pranced up the stairs, greeted by a text message from Josh.

Josh:)- Hey babe, sorry bout Dave, but whats happening? 

Sheena- It's ok little unicorn don't worry.  I'm just getting ready for bed wbu? ;)

After a long conversation about our usual random things, I was getting really damn tired.  I checked the time-- 1:00am!!

Sheena- Joshie I gotta get to bed, c u later kay? xoxo

Josh:)- I prob should too, BUT WAIT PRINCESS! Before you go, do you maybe wanna do something tomorrow? I mean if you don't want to it's ok but i was just thinkin

Sheena- Of course I want to! Text me in detail tomorrow;) MWAH night xoxo

Josh:)- Lol night Sheena ;) xoxoxo

I fell back in bed giggling to myself, and snuggled under the covers thinking about today.  How a perfect day could come in a rush so fast.  I finally felt myself drifting off to sleep, thinking about Josh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2012 ⏰

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