Chapter #13:Her Demons

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Start of Chapter #13

Y/N P.O.V.

Ayase jumps from the roof and onto to the ground 

Ayase:There was no fun to begin with...

She starts to walk towards Yumi before you call for her

Y/N:Ayase wait

Ayase pauses and turns around towards you 

Ayase:Yes senpai

Y/N:Take Angela and Rem and protect everyone inside 

Y/N:This isn't your fight...


Y/N:Ayase please...

You make a serious face at her while approaching her 

Yumi:Ooooh yes...I love it when my sis and favorite victim are together

She starts to hug her body and also moans at the though of you two together 

You draw a small ball from your pocket and throw it at the ground 

Yumi:Oh play time already...I can't wait

Y/N:Ayase please do it now!


She quickly dashes towards Angela while the smoke covers the area 

Yumi:Fast one aren't we...

Yumi grabs Ayase and with her own sword is sliced while shielding Angela


Yumi:Nice sword you got here,It would really be a shame if something happened to us because of it

Angela:WAIT NO!!

Yumi stabs the sword into herself and a blast of corrupted light flies and knocks everyone back


You notice Rem who is still unconscious,being taken by Yumi

Y/N:Everyone no...

As you say that you black out from the continuous pressure 

Angela's P.O.V.

Angela:(I watched as Y/N consciousness finally gave in to the exponential amount of force being pushed from Yumi)

Angela:Y/N no...

Angela:Yui...Shiro...Rem..please someone help us

Angela:This girl is too dangerous for only Y/N to fight right now...

Angela:So please if anyone can here this prayer please help them...

Y/N P.O.V.

Y/N:Where am I?

You wake up and find yourself in a pitch black void 

Y/N:Wait what is this...?

You look towards a bright light which is showing something

Y/N:Wait are these what I think they are...

Y/N:There her memories...

It shows her old hardships and many suicide attempts due to her abuse

Y/N:How is she still able to be so happy and generous even after all she's been through...?

You sit there while her thoughts continue and it finally shows her meeting you 

Y/N:She seems happier...

It finishes with her curled up in a void like space with her being slowly taken away


???:Like I said,It's pointless...

You turn around and see Yumi holding something in her hand 

Y/N:Bring her BACK!!!

You draw your sword as she just sits there and laughs 

Yumi:You keep acting like your going do something,but it always ends in failure 

Yumi:I mean you couldn't even save your own friends and family

Y/N:Be quiet

Yumi:You know actually,I just gonna do this...

Yumi:Because if you are going to be this boring,then I'LL JUST HAVE TO FORCE IT OUT OF YOU!!!

She says while throwing the thing in her hand on the floor and shattering it 

Y/N:You little demon...

A blue aura surrounds you as you disappear 

Yumi:Finally something interest....

She begins as she is punched right in the face 

Yumi:You...actually...hit me 

Yumi:Someone needs to learn some manners 

Y/N:Yeah well bring it on

Yumi:I'm good...But we can save it for our final fight now can't we 

Y/N:You'll just come back with even more tricks


She says as you try and grab her but she teleports away and you slide on the ground 


Y/N:I'm sorry Rem..I couldn't...

You start to cry as a blue crystal lands on top of your hand 


You finally let sleep overcome you as you watch the space around cripple and disappear 

End of Chapter #13


Author's Note

Okay I know the chapter was mediocre at best,but just please hear me out.The next one will be better because I have a plan for this now(A little too damn late) But I do hope you enjoyed somewhat.Also sorry for not updating as frequently ,I'm honestly trying to think of new story idea's and chapters which is kinda hard...ish.Also this might not be up to standard because I'm tired and I just wanted to post something,so I might go back and fix it in the future.

But hopefully you enjoyed because I understand if you didn't.I do have a good idea for the next chapter so just stay tuned for that and if you would like to recommend any characters or ideas,just comment and I'll think about it.

PS:The next update for this might be out in a few days,but who knows.Next story is Invictus either tomorrow or the day after.Also Happy Independence day!!


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