chapter 2 The kiss

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James and Marissa sit in the front two desks to make sure they are close. The teacher Mr. Vanburen the biology teacher. Has a fascination with technology for some odd reason.

" Alright class my name is Mr. Vanburen I will be your freshman biology teacher for this year and as long as u don't start a fire you should be ok".

James turns to meet Marissa's eyes that still make him lose all train of thought he had at the time

Mr. vanburen walks and passes out the papers for them to work on as he gets to James and Marissa he asks

" Do you two know each other ?" " Because she came running in put her stuff down and ran out and came back with you "

Before James could open his mouth Marissa
Was already talking

She said with a smile " yes ! Mr. Vanburen I do know him we went to middle school together"

The two sit and do a crossword puzzle that is on the basics of biology

The bell rings signaling that it's lunch

" Hey you wanna get lunch with me ? "


The two set off they got lunch and found a shady spot with trees and a nice breeze where they could smell the ocean and hear the waves

Marissa leans against James as if she's cold he puts his jacket on her and comforts her

" How do u feel Marissa ? " He asks troubled

" Fine why "

"Oh u just don't seem as energetic anymore,but if you say so "

"I do say so "

she leans closer to James almost a frightenly close he looks at her she's stairing into his eyes they make a connection almost instantly and start to inch ever so slightly and there lips touch they meet and stay for a minute there heart's beat like a warm drum pounding almost bursting out of their chests
They lean back from one another and James asks

" What was that?"

With a puzzling face a big bright smile begins to form on Marissa's face

" A kiss silly. What else "

"T-then what are we ?"
He says in a shaky voice

"Do you want to be my boyfriend ?"
She asks with a smile

" O- O-of course I do " .

There lips meet one last time before the bell rings signaling 5th period .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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