Everything You Heard About the Universe is Wrong

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June 24th 2010 (Continued from the blog "Einstein:Time, Space, Buddha and Poetry" also on this site)

The Holographic view of the universe takes the view that the brain is the creator of our notions of the universe or, at the very least, the brain is fine-tuned to be in touch with the seen and unseen universe we have been describing in this blog. (Notice how strange ideas are not so strange when examined closely. Here is yet another example.

Religious people have claimed for centuries of contact with the unseen, with God, and other visions from that unseen world. Now some scientists are saying that may very well, not only be possible, but verifiable at some time in the future. The experiment at Cern (remember that?) may provide some part of that proof.

Wow you say-and rightly so.

Think about that idea for a moment; and aren't you glad you have endured all of my prognostications to get to this point?

Think of the brain on a quantum level as having electrons which indeed pop in and out of existence, have the capacity to bridge across dimensions, participate in all of the processes we have described above and understandings from both science and religion seem to be saying the same things in the end:

1-There is an unseen and mostly unknowable realm out there.

2- We humans may never be able to comprehend all of it.

3- There may be some force, God or some entity or invisible force involved

4- We are personally affected by all of this everyday in ways we are just beginning to understand.

5-That my actions in this world may reverberate across time-lines and indeed in other dimensions or realms.(That is a mouthful.)

6- All of the universe is a single unity, in contact with itself at all times and at all points.;

We are our brother's keeper and every thought manifests itself on both the physical as well as the spiritual plane across the fabric of space-time.(Another mouthful and I am getting very full.)

So who is God? So what is the supreme force in the universe?

No one really knows, except maybe it is in the human brain or accessible there. (Experiments are underway to tap the 'God' experience in the laboratory and some progress has been made. But no one know how or why it occurs or even how to interpret the results. In any event you heard it here first.

The point though is that the brain and its connections to what we loosely called the universe remains mysterious. Some of the Holo people think the brain has created the illusion of all we see.

Quantum folks, and their view is as described above, root their view in Quantum physics and string theory, and we saw them above argue that a two dimensional holographic version of each and everyone of us exists in two dimensional space inches away but not detected by us (See Einstein series above)

Others still relate it all to religious experiences which refer to deep religious experiences, contact with God, angels, spirits and the like.

And still others make the point that the brain stores data and memory and reassembles it in what can be described as the holograph of the mind. One implication is that we are all in a Sims or Matrix stimulation, or only exist in the mind of our creator, divine or computer. Or even that we are all simulations created by our own future ancestors. Remember Einstein said past, present and future all exist simultaneously and, perhaps, accessible to us

So there you have it.

So, at this point, there is no overall unified Holographic View, except that all focus on 'in here' rather than the 'out there.' One commentator remarked that Jesus, Buddha, and other religious folks have always counseled us to look within for answers. Maybe 'within' is related to the workings of the human brain and its connections to the universe. Therefore, the brain is the focus of research.

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