The Light In The Dark

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(Eye twitch) you wouldn't believe how much trouble I had writing this chapter not only did I get writer's block, which was a pain on itself, when i finally seem to get over it and started writing again my computer crashed and since i didn't save before it did half of the chapter i wrote and was close to finishing got erase, so I HAD TO REWRITE THE DAMN THING ALL OVER AGAIN. (Deep breaths) ok i'm good now i'll be over there punching a firewall enjoy the chapter.

You felt like you were floating you think you feel something, but it's more like a fleeting touch that's hard to describe. Everything feels weird and it's hard to concentrate, "Where am I?" you said? you don't think you felt your mouth moving but.

"...Heh" a voice said and you twitch at the sound is someone here with you? You open your eyes and raise an eyebrow there's crystals everywhere all different colors Red, White, Black, Yellow, Pink, Silver, Brown and so many more.

"Well it looks like you're awake" a voice said from behind you and you turn around and your eyes open in shock the person in front of you looks.....

You felt a searing pain shoot trough your head and you hold your head in pain,"It's best to not think too much of my appearance don't want your brain to explode" he said.

"Where am I? who are you?" you said and he just grins.

"It seems your memories are a bit jumble just wait a moment you'll get them back" he said and you wanted to say what memories before everything starting to comeback your childhood, Neo, Sapphire, Your team.....BLAKE.

"GAHHHHHH" you scream in pain it was agonizing until the pain stop and you glare at the person in front of you.

"Yeah definitely remember now" the voice said shrugging.

"You took over my body you asshole" you hiss at him and he tilts his head and smiles.

"Yes I did thank you for your cooperation" the voice said sarcastically.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't end you right now?!" you growl and the voice just snorts in amusement.

"One you're nowhere near strong enough to pose a threat to me, two you're in my turf which also is a negative to you, and three I know your fighting style and can counter you in my sleep is that enough reasons" he said resting his hand on his cheek.

"Why you!!" you said angrily and he just sighs.

"Oh be quiet it's like seeing a dog bark at the moon it's cute at first but it just gets annoying after a while. Before you blow your lid mister no personality you'll be back in your body in a bit" he said and you look in him in shock he's giving you back your body?

"What's the catch?" you said warily there's no way he's just letting you go just like that.

"Catch? There's no catch I got what I needed from you already" he said messing with one of the crystals.

"What did you do?" you said dreading his answer did he hurt your friends, or Blake.

The person turn to look at you and smiles, "I'll let you figure that out yourself" he said before going back to the crystals.

"....Why me?....why did you chose me to take over?!" you said not liking his answer did he have some grudge against you is that why?

" A Reason? There was none you were just a convenient choice" he said not looking towards you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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