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Rokuro's POV

Right by the fountain, I confessed my feelings to her. The cherry blossom's petals flew around us as the wind blows it away. It was a perfect sunset. Well, almost, when... Everything started to fall apart.

"Gomenasai, Rokuro... But I can't return the feeling..." She said, with an apologetic look in her ocean blue eyes. Her blonde-turned-lime hair framing her face, her bangs almost covering her eyes. Her sweet and innocent face wore a sad look as she fiddled with the briefcase she is holding.

"You do know that I love the Kaichou, right? Thank you... For looking at me that way, demo... Hontou ni, gomenasai..."

"It's alright! I just wanted you to know Mayura, that's all! No need to be sorry, okay?" I reassured. Otomi Mayura. I admire her, but somehow, I can't imagine a future with her. Looks like it's a good thing that she doesn't feel the same. Maybe... She isn't the girl for me. Even if I want her to be.

"Hey, since I can't return the feeling... Can we just stay as best friends?" She asked with a small smile. It hurts, of course. Knowing that it's the only thing that both of us can be. But, it's enough. Being friends with her is enough.

As long as I can stay by her side. "Of course!" I should change the topic, I guess. I don't want us to be awkward now, do I? "Wanna eat at that restaurant that I was talking to you about? I'mma treat you some curry there. They taste really good!" I suggested, winking at her. She just giggled. Kawaii. "Sure! Let's go----OH!"

She ran and was ready to go, when she suddenly tripped. Huh. Careless as always. I rushed to her side and kneeled to check if she got a scratch. "Mayura! Daijobou?! Ah.... You're knee is bleeding!" And great timing. She's got another scratch, again. She sighed as I helped her get up. "I-it's okay---Ita!" She said while struggling to do two things: getting up and bearing the intense pain.

[Now Playing: Happier, by Ed Sheeran]

"That's what you get for being careless..." I lectured. Wait, something's wrong. "Can she stand up?" Someone said, and we raised our heads to see Ikaruga Shimon staring at us with concern, followed by Kaibara Haruka and Nagitsuji Ryogo. Just our luck.

And I almost forgot to tell you that they're part of the student council. Kaibara Haruka is the secretary, Nagitsuji Ryogo is the vice president, and Ikaruga Shimon is our Kaichou, the one that Mayura loves. Somehow, they might be on patrol today, you know, like, maybe they're looking for students who do stupid, random things here in the campus when it's already dismissal. And coincidentally, they passed by here.

Just your luck, Mayura. "Ah! K-kaichou!" she stuttered as Kaichou made his way towards us. Yiehee, her heart might be beating like a million horses in a race already. "Well, the student council is here. Anything wrong, senpais?" I casually asked.

"Nah. We are about to go to Ramsay's Haven to have some of those delicious curry that we have heard from the students." Nagitsuji casually answered as he places both of his hands behind his head. I'm quite close with him actually, so yeah, we're good.

"But it seems like your friend is in trouble." Kaibara-san added as she looked at Mayura who is struggling to get up with the assistance of Kaichou. Well that's weird. Normally, Kaichou won't give a fck about these situations when it comes to other students but right now... Hehe. He's kinda like a softie here. I sense something quite fishy...

"She's got a minor fracture." he stated as he assisted Mayura to stand up. "Enmadou, right?" he said, as he turned to face me. "Hai." "Here. Bring this for me. We're going to the infirmary." he ordered as he carried Mayura's briefcase and hands it to me, and I took it. "Ah, Kaichou, you don't need to---" "Just shut up and let me treat your wounds, Otomi-san." he ordered, as they both made their way to the infirmary.

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