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It's been a couple days since I started and have been pissed off. I'm allowed it carry a gun with since I have a license for it. I jumped and pointed the gun at some one it was Kyoya.

I sighed. thank god. It's not him.

the club looked at me surprised. I fell to my knees and sighed. "Thank God."

"Are you okay?" The twins asked.

I stood up and put my gun away. I turned to walk away. "I'm fine"

Mori grabbed my elbow. "No you're not" he said concern in his voice.

"I said I was fine. I'm none of your concern. I quit Kyoya. "I tore my elbow from his hold making his lose balance for a second before he regained it.

It hurt me to be so cruel to him after we've been getting along. I went back to my apartment and started taking classes online.

I was by myself and moved to a different house and was all alone I sent Leno back to America. I couldn't have her in danger.

it's been a couple weeks since I've started high school online and have moved to a new apartment. I haven't seen the host club since I left.

I was walking home with groceries when my mouth was covered and I was shoved into my house.

"thought you could escape from me so easily Dykunai." A deep voice said. Shit!


3rd Person:

Mori stood there more quiet than usual. He didn't even answer honey. He's been hurt and sad since Dykunai left and he doesn't know why. It's been weeks and he can't help a bad feeling.

The host club watched as Mori almost fell apart. it was clear he cared for Dykunai deeply. Kyoya had been secretly trying to find out where Dykunai moved to and had found it. "I found him."

At that everybody turned to him. "Found who? Kyoya"

"Dykunai. He's at a point house. River garden plaza." At that Mori was immediately out the door the host club quick to follow. Once they arrived Kyoya dealt with the manager as the twins style the keys and the rest followed Takashi to the room.

Once they got on the floor they heard a blood curdling scream. Takashi couldn't take it anymore he kicked the door down. "Dykun!!!" Takashi yelled catching everybody by surprise at the nick name.

"Takashi!!!" Dykunai replied but was soon followed by a scream in agony.

they all rushed to Dykunai's room to see something that won't haunt them forever a man. was into of Dykunai raping him. Takashi saw red as he attacked the man taking them both to the floor. Honey made quick work to untie Dykun who was attached to the bed. the host club just stood there completely immobile.

Takashi just kept kicking the man. it was clear if he went on grew was going to kill him. quickly the twins and Tamaki tried to pry him off soon after Kyoya and honey joined in to help. Succeeding very little.

"T-Takashi..." Dykun mumbled barely audible. Takashi was there in a second. "Takashi...I can't feel my legs." tears pouted out of his eyes resting his head on Takashi's chest crying.

it was then everyone looked at him. like really looked at him. his was battered and beaten. blood and white amen covered his lower half. his legs were cut up and bruised. it looked really bad. Takashi was crying and that was when everyone one finally realized how bad Takashi was hurting.

he held Dykunai tightly but cautiously. "I'm so sorry I wasnt here. I'm so sorry." he whispered. "I love you.." he whispered.

Everyone's eyes widened and they were crying. " Takashi...I-I love.. y..."silence rang through the room as Takashi's eyes widened. he looked at Dykunai.

he wasn't breathing


Everyone sat there and waited as Dykunai was in surgery. Takashi looked like an utter mess. his parents there with him. They accepted the fact he was gay and everything. His mom said they have to adopt and kept bringing things up about the future. going it will let Takashi think about the positives.

A couple hours later the doctor came our of the operating room. he watched us all with concern. "Who's the father of the young man."

At that Ranka was a hysterical mess. "What's wrong? It's my baby going to be alright." he gushed worried.

We all stood up awaiting the news. "The surgery was a difficult one we almost lost him a few times but he's pulled through. He's resting now if you would like to see him." the doctor said. Everybody rushed to Dykun's room except for Takashi and Ranka knowing the doctor had more to say. "are you related to the boy."

"He's my baby's husband." Ryoji waved an uncaring hand.

the doctor nodded suspiciously but continued. "Well in order to save the young man we had to insert something into him." he said.

"What was it?" Takashi asked.

"in order for him to survive we had to insert a women's uterus and that stuff." the doctor blushed slightly.

"Are you saying my baby can have his own babies." Ranka asked excited.

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying. He should be awake in a couple days, " with that the doctor left.

After everybody left Takashi held Dykunai's hand. "please come back to me I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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