Starting point: Japan

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After 3 years of Hamon training Dante landed in Japan as per the instructions of the Speed Wagon Foundation. Wearing a white button up shirt, blue jeans, brown boots going up to his calves, blue and purple triangle patterned suspenders, and a light blue jacket over his shirt. Going through customs he picked up his luggage ignoring the stares of the other people, heading for the car waiting for him at the entrance. Dante ran a hand through his messy blond hair with a sigh, he didn't think he would leave his mother so soon at the age of 17. They shared their heartfelt goodbyes, his mother whispering words of encouragement into his ear. The last time he will probably hear from her. 

Sunglasses covered green eyes scanning the lot for a sign, he noticed a man holding up a sign with his name on it. Heading over to him he concluded that the driver is with the Speed Wagon Foundation, "Welcome to Japan Dante Zeppeli." the man with short brown hair and dark brown eyes said in Japanese with a smile. Dante returned the smile nodding his head "Thank you." he replied his Japanese accent spot on. He didn't spend 3 years just ONLY Hamon training, he was well educated and fluent in many languages since the mission requires him to do a lot of traveling. 

Sitting in the back seat of the car he looked out the window watching the scenery go by. "You'll be going to the same high school as Joseph Joestar's grandson. His name is Jotaro Kujo. Be sure to get along with him." The driver said glancing at the Zeppeli through the mirror. Dante nodded getting lost in thought. He read about Joseph Joestar from his grandfather's journal. He wondered if Jotaro Kujo is the same as Joseph Joestar. Deciding to reserve judgment until he actually meets Jotaro Dante brought out the files he was given by the driver, containing details of the mission he's to take over from his late father.

Once the car has arrived at his temporary residence Dante climbed out of the car nodding in approval for the appearance of the house. It's not too big, perfect for one person to live in. The young teen took out his luggage waving farewell to the Speed Wagon employee "Take care Mr. Zeppeli, and good luck." Said the driver before driving off. Bringing the luggage inside he noticed the pile of boxes inside as well as a note on one of those boxes. He picked it up and it said I thought you might want a piece of home with you. I'm sure your father would be proud of you. I know I am. Bitting on his bottom lip he said he wouldn't cry but even he was already homesick. Silently letting the tears fall, he held the note close to his chest. "Thank you mother. I miss you so much, but I have to keep you safe. I promised father I would take care of you." He whispered to himself, taking a deep breath he unpacked his things. Putting them away in their proper places, and cleaning up the house.

Dante was bringing out the recycling when he noticed a woman with blond hair running frantically towards him. She didn't look Japanese so he assumed that she's either a tourist that got lost or she's an immigrant who lives here. The woman tripped and fell onto the sidewalk hissing in pain, he ran up to her and knelt down next to her. "Are you ok?" He asked in English to which she looked up and responded back in English. "Oh, I'm fine. I'm always a bit clumsy." She smiled giving him a thumbs up, he noticed that she had soft blue eyes and looked to be about in her late 30s. "You should be more careful. What's the big rush?" He asked holding out a hand to help her up. She took his hand and stood up smiling sadly at the question "Oh, I got a call that my sweet darling son got arrested. He's in jail now. I was going to go bring him home." Dante blinked surprised, then again no one should judge a book by it's cover. She glanced at his house and gasped clasping her hands together "Ah, I didn't know we were neighbours." He chuckled waving it off. "It's fine I just moved in actually. My name is Dante Zeppeli." He held out his hand again for the woman to shake. "I'm Holly Kujo. Originally Holly Joestar." She beamed taking his hand and shook it gently. He was surprised a second time but quickly masked it with a smile. "So this is Jotaro's mother. That means he's the son in jail?" He thought but not going to ask which son is in jail if she does have more than one son, it would look suspicious. "Well I'll leave you to bring your son home. Sorry to have kept you." He apologized rubbing the back of his neck. She shook her head keeping that bright smile "It's no problem, thank you for helping me. I'll bring a house warming gift as a welcome present." He nodded smiling back "That would be great. Thank you Mrs. Kujo." She waved it off "Please call me Holly. Welcome to Japan." And with that she continued her trek to the police station. Dante waved goodbye and headed back inside. "She's so kind. Reminds me of my own mother...." He sighed feeling more homesick, deciding to make a quick snack before he got back to work unpacking the things he needed.

By the time he was done it was already evening, getting ready for bed Dante heard a knock on the front door. Startled slightly he cautiously made his way over to the front door, looking through the peephole to see blond hair. Confused he opened the door to find Holly Kujo with a apologetic smile, "I'm sorry to bother you, I was just wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner at my home." The Italian male's stomach made the decision for him with a loud grumble at the prospect of getting food, making the woman giggle. "Guess that's a yes. I don't want to be a bother though." Dante stated shyly rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Holly waved it off, "Oh it's no trouble at all. Consider this my welcoming gift to you." The teen smiled warmly nodding in acceptance of the invitation to dinner. Putting on his shoes and taking his keys, he locked the door behind him before heading to the Kujo residence with Holly.

(First chapter done, it took a while to complete but here it is. Enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter. -Jay)

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