Middle school bullies (part 1)

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~The two of them were in the same school and the same classes, Levi's mom made sure that happens. The two ride a bike to school, Nora had never seen or been on a bike be for, she didn't even know Levi could even ride it.~

Levi:"Nora you must hold on to me, I don't want to see you fall."

Nora:"I'm not going to fall just keep on going, Levi."

~When Levi heard that he went a bit quicker, Nora started to tip over to the street. She scooched near Levi and hold on to him in till they reach school. They found their lockers, their lockers were not that close to each other, maybe a 4 min walk. They walk to class and introduce them self to the classroom.~

Nora:"Hi my name is Nora, hopeful we can get along with each other. "

Levi:"Hi my name is Levi, nice to meet you guys, this is our first time never being in a school. we were homeschool at first but then now we are here."

Mrs.Green:"Thank you, Nora and Levi, please take a seat now, right over there, there are twos seats open."

~They walked to the two seat. There were the three kids who were viewing Nora and giggling at her. Levi saw that and got a bit angry, he calms himself down, but he didn't tell Nora what happens, just now. When Nora was walking to her locker to get something the three kids from her classroom was there.~

child 1:"Your name is Nora right?"

Nora:"Yes that is my name."

Child 1:"So you never have been to a real school right?"

Nora:"Yea this is my first time ever being in school."

~The kids push Nora to the ground. Nora tried to get up but he kicks her back down. Her knees had wounds all over. Tears came down from her face, everyone laugh and pointed at her. No one helped her, no one stand up for her. Nora than heard loud footstep, it was Levi~

{Author Note}

Cliffhanger hahaha




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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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