Kanato x Badass!Reader: Part 1

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(Y/n) scanned the street slowly, tugging her hood up to cover her (h/c) hair. Her sharp (e/c) eyes spotted anything that looked even the slightest bit suspicious, from the pervert with the fedora to the cloaked man on the street corner. But who really stood out to her was the young-looking, purple haired person next to the fedora flirt.

He's odd....... Seems a bit off.

There was a loud slap as the girl Fedora Man was talking to slapped him. The purple-haired man (man? Teen? Child?) flinched, shrinking back slightly. A few venomous words were exchanged between the girl and Fedora Man, and then he turned, grabbed the childish-looking boy (boy sounds better?) harshly by his upper arm and stalked off.

(Y/n) smirked and began to follow them, hoping to find a delinquent in action.

She followed the two down back roads and alleyways, through people's yards and then down a dirt road. All the way there, she listened to their conversations.

"Kanato, can you believe she would touch me like that? I grace her with my presence, and she has the nerve to smack me like that," the taller one drawled. The purple-haired one- Kanato- rolled his eyes.

"Not everything is about you, Laito," he muttered darkly. (Y/n) smiled a little at this; they shared the same feelings about Laito, at least.

A few minutes later, (Y/n) learned they were not only brothers, but triplets. Then she learned that Kanato loved sweets when he began complaining about wanting cake.

They were walking down the dirt road when a blade flew through the air and nearly hit Kanato.

"Sh*t! Hunters!" Laito began running, and Kanato tried to follow, but in his panic he tripped over his own feet and fell to the ground.

At first (Y/n) stood there, bewildered. Then her mind adopted the familiar feeling of danger she had whenever something like this happened.

(Y/n) ran forward, whipping a knife out of her pocket. She stood in front of Kanato, glancing back at him to make sure he was okay.

For a split second their eyes met. His violet eyes were wide with shock and fear, and he was shaking. (Y/n) made a split second decision and voiced it out loud.

"Don't worry. I promise I'll protect you."

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