Part 1 - You know what I mean

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Naomi POV:

I groan as I remove the spitball from the back of my neck, only for it to be replaced with another one. I ignore it and quickly copy down the geography notes from the board. I need all the information I can get if I'm going to complete both me and Jared's assignment. We are now three weeks into the school year on a friday and I'm already sick of this place. Mr. Cadwell is asleep on his desk again, making him pretty much useless. God bless the internet.

I finally finish the notes and put down my pen, trying to soothe my aching hand. I let out a yawn as I look around. I still have a fifteen more minutes before class is over. Just enough time to take a nap.

I fold my arms over my desk and lay my head on them, and I've almost fallen asleep when a hard object hits my the back of my head, causing a wave of pain to shoot through it. I dizzily sit up, and adjust my glasses, turning around to see a football had fallen right behind me after hitting me. I bring my gaze higher to see Raymond smirking at me.

"Oops. Can I have my ball back?" I sigh and grudgingly toss his ball back to him. "You know, you really shouldn't be slacking off. Jared really needs an A on this assignment if he's going to pass," Raymond said.

"He'll get it," I said. "I'm already done with the notes. I just need to-"

"I don't care, Nerds," he cuts me off. "Don't sleep on the job." The bell rings, and before he can continue I rush out of the classroom, keeping my head down.

I've learned it's best not to make eye contact with anybody in school. It's easier to just blend into the background as much as I can. You might wonder why I don't fight back. It's easier, to be honest. I tried. I really did. But kids are mean, and it got worse. In elementary school, it was just hurtful teasing. In middle school, bullying and public humiliation. And now I'm in high school. Same me. Same school kids. Harsher treatment.


I make my way to the cafeteria, mentally kicking myself for forgetting to pack a lunch. I usually did anything in my power to stay away from the school cafeteria, but I was starving and I didn't have time for breakfast this morning, courtesy of my faulty alarm clock.

I stuck to the walls of the cafeteria like glue, doing my best to blend into the crowd and go unnoticed. Raymond and his friends weren't in the cafeteria yet, meaning I was mostly fine for now. I managed to make it to the front of the line and get myself a lunch before hurrying towards the doors.

I'm not able to make it, however, since the doors burst open and in walks Raymond and his goons, a girl under each of his arms. Seriously, all you need is some glory music and it might as well be a scene taken right from a movie.

I'd like to say that Raymond doesn't notice me and I'm able to sneak out of the cafeteria unharmed, but that would be a lie. He notices me only a few seconds after he walks in, his eyes narrowing into a glare.

The populars have made it more than clear that I'm not supposed to be in here. Ten swirlies down the toilet is more than enough to send the message. That's why I immediately start looking for a different way out as soon as he sees me. But I barely have any time to even consider any other options before Raymond has already stormed over to me. The whole cafeteria's eyes are on us now as he roughly grabs my arm and slaps my tray out of my hands. Without giving me the chance to pick it up, he drags me out of the cafeteria as I struggle to keep up. His grip on my arm is too tight and it feels as if he's going to pull my shoulder out of its socket.

I expect him to let go when we are out of the cafeteria, but instead he keeps dragging me. He keeps dragging me down the hallways until we end up near the janitors closet on the deserted side of the school. He practically throws me into the lockers right next to the door, and I slam into the before falling to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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