
981 35 1
  • Dedicated to Prodigy

Lyrics Of The Day:

Ooh Na Na Naa put your hands in the air if you plan on lovin tonight, oooh na na naa put your hands in the aut if you spendin the night

~Trey Songz

Roc Pov

Breuanna and the guys tried to run away but the police caught them and hand cuffed them. They took them out to the car. After they left we all looked at Yn.

Yn: what did I do

We smiled then ran to her a squeezed her.

Yn: ....can't.........breathe

Prodigy: sorry we're just happy to see you

Yn: I know but I be-

She was cut off by a gun shot. We all ducked.

Travon: yall forgot about me

I gettin tired of this nigga. So I shot him three times in the head.

We thought that he missed all of us but he shot somebody. He shot...


Being that Prod was my nigga I was the first to run to him. He was still breathing but very slowly.  His eyes was halfway open.

Natajae quickly ran out the room to get the paramedics that was outside. 

Roc: Yo Prod you gotta stay with me man

Prod: Roc... I C-can't. ...I love you a-all...I hope you guys ..... have a good......life.....tell Jae.....I love her.......and t-to find...another guy.....that l-loves her as much as....m-me ......y'all ....n-never forget me

He slowly closed his eyes, and his breathing got slower and slower by the second. 

Roc: NO, PROD!!!

By now I was crying my eyes out on Prod's chest while K'hrystel was rubbing my back crying herself.

The paramedics came in and took his body and wrapped. Everyone was crying now.

After about 10 minutes of crying we decided to go home. On the way home the car was silent the only thing you could hear was sniffing and the faint noise of the radio.

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