The darkness...

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It was a warm day more then warm,Hot,I sat in the cold shallow lake that was by my familys lake house a wooden bridge was nearby my daughter Summer,and my son Billy sat on it with two blue fishing rods "Mother" My son yelled i heard a shake in his yell."Yes Billy?"I asked looking at him."The fish i caught is dead..." "Of cource it is,It lost breathe." "No it wasnt breathing when i caught it." At that momment i then realized dead fish started to float around me,aswell as that the lake was turning brown.From head to toe. "Billy,Summer,Go inside i'll meet you there!" I screamed as i started to swim away from the brown water.Something suddenly grabbed my foot i looked down and saw a person..The person wasnt alive.Its jaw was hanging down and it was rotted.I quickly yanked my leg away from its grip and swam more to the brown bridge i started to run as i notice the bridge was falling down. As i heard the a tune of "The london bridge is falling."I ran to the house and looked at my wifes wide brown eyes. "What happened why are you guys in here?I thought it was a nice day,Did it start raining?" "No."I slammed the door locking it takeing a breathe.I was scared but there was something that my wife hasnt told me,I could feel it."What happened?" "In the lake.Fish that was dead started to go around me,as the lake turned brown something grabbed my foot.It looked like a person." "Oh no."I heard my wife say under her breath. "Oh no what?What is going on Hannah." "Klaus..This is a long story." "Tell me." "A long time ago many people died here and got shoved into the lake My family stayed here durring that and now whenever people stay here they have to take one of the people as a 'gift'-" "What so its some haunting?"  "No,It's worse the dead come alive and take what they deserve." "WHY DID YOU LET US STAY HERE THEN?" "You begged me.How can i turn down your puppy dog eyes?" "BY TELLING ME THAT PEOPLE WILL COME BACK AND TAKE ONE OF US." "Well,You wouldnt beleive me.

"But it's better then not knowing." "You still wouldnt believe me." "I could do research." 

I looked at my two kids that were shakeing,When i noticed my son was looking at the wall intensly. "Billy,What are you looking at?"No responce. I set my hand on his shoulder. "Theres a man behind that wall,He's asking me to come with him to forget the family and just be dead with him."I looked at billy then at the wall noone was there. "Billy come with me." "Why?I would be more safe with him." "Billy no."I heard my wife say. "Why?" "We will keep you safe we promise Billy." "Double pinkey swear?" "Double pinkey swear." It was quiet until we heard loud bangs on the door."Dont answer it." "But the man said to answer it." "I said no."My wife looked at him. 

"The man says that he would like to meet you all." "Then show yourself." I looked at the corner as i saw a man i grabbed my kids and put them beside me.

My wife looked at the man.."Father?" "Was he the one who got tooken away from the family?" "Yes.He sacrificed himself for us.My mother was devistated so was all of us." We all looked at her father. "You need to leave." "But how where do we go?" "You'll find the path."He dissapeared into thin air. "FATHER" She started to cry.

"Where did he go.." "I DONT KNOW YOU TELL ME." She screamed. I looked at her and put my arm around her.

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