Chapter 1: I'm ready!

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Izuku's POV


"Ugh"I hit my alarm clock to make it stop, I check the hour, it's 5 AM I still have time until the entrance exam, today is the day, I will be a hero, so as every morning I put on some clothes, go to the bathroom and then greet my mom downstairs.

"Good morning Izuku" my mom greeted me while she was cooking breakfast, I sat down and just stretched my arm, a few minutes passed and my mom served the food while sitting in front of me "Izuku are you going to take the exam today?" she asked me with a smile on her face "yes I will, but I have to visit some places before" I answered. She just nodded and smiled at me

I look at the hour, it was a bit late so I ate everything and rushed to the door "Mom, I have to go!" I said "okay Izuku, please take care and good luck" she said with a cheerful tone, I closed the door and started walking to my first destination, the place wasn't far from my home but it wasn't close either "welp time to work" I lifted my head and saw the same old, abandoned place

3rd POV

Izuku took a broom, a brush, a paint can and some other things from the grocery store, it's good that izuku knows the owner and he helps him. He started to clean and paint the building, the place is a closed restaurant that belongs to Hisashi midoriya, maybe some years ago this place was a popular restaurant with a lot of customers but in the present is just an abandoned place that not even izuku can get inside.

Because of this, all the green haired boy can do is just clean the pavement in front of the building, paint it again and clean the windows so it would stay looking clean and new. after a few hours, Izuku was almost done with the place "it took me more than I thought" he said while sitting on a nearby bench

"Yo, Izuku!" a familiar voice called him, he looked at the direction of the voice and got surprised by who he saw "w-what?" he saw a girl with short messy black hair and blue eyes wearing a short skirt and long tights with a long-sleeve red shirt, she was the same age than the boy and a bit shorter than him, "Ha-Ha-Hanima-san!?" the green haired boy said surprised "i told you to call me Llien, anyways, how are you? it's good to see you" Llien said sitting next to him

"I-I'm good, it's go-good to see you t-too" Deku answered a bit nervous to see his old friend again "so I see you still are working on this old place, your dad still doesn't come back right?" she asked a bit serous "well yes, but that's not a problem, he still send letters sometimes, so I still try to keep this place in a good condition" deku answered now without nerves "oh well it's good to see that determination inside of you... oh right! what high school are you going to go to?" Llien asked now with more energy "oh well I will try to enter into UA" deku answered lowering his voice a bit

"WAIT, UA!? BUT THAT'S ONE OF THE BEST SCHOOLS IN JAPAN!" Llien yelled in surprise "We-well, yeah, I mean I studied a lot for the written exam and trained all these months for the physical part" izuku said this time a bit nervous "but what if the physical exam is a fight? you don't have any quirk" the girl tell her friend "oh for that I was thinking about buying and fighting with a weapon, or maybe something that could help me to counter some quirks, maybe with a gun I could do something, but still are those allowed? I nee-"


The black haired girl screamed to his friend trying to stop his muttering habit "uh? oh! so-sorry" he said blushing a bit making his friend explode in laughter "oh god I love when you do that, hahaha" she said almost yelling "anyways if you need help with that I can think about something" Llien suggested and so both friends started to talk and prepare things for izuku's exam until...

"OH NO IM GOING TO BE LATE" Izuku screamed looking at his phone "oh, don't worry I can help you, jump" Llien commanded her friend to jump on her back "W-WHAT!?" the greenette asked blushing at the sudden question "cmon like when we were in middle school" she said but Izuku didn't move at all "ugh, we'll do it my way then" she said and lifted the boy, bridal style "W-WAIT, WHA-WH-" he couldn't even end talking because Llien foots started to move at an incredible speed

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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