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It's very unlike me to remember my dreams this vividly, but I remember every bit of it every single person and scene. Every word they said, it stuck to me,maybe because this wasnt just any dream to me, it was a nightmare. One that had the power to break me.

It happened at school, I was having lunch with my friends and my girlfriend in our class when some girl walked in, She was beautiful but the kind of beauty that doesn't know it's power. I stared at her for so long that my girlfriend tapped the back of my head.

"Stop staring, people will expect me to react", she half whispered

"Sorry, you're right "

I scratched the back of my head and I felt a pang of hurt in my heart. Unrequited love really is the worst but I would never show my true self to the people at this table. They are judgemental, they don't like anyone who really isn't like them and I know what they'd do if I even had an ounce of courage to be myself.

My mash potatoes were soggy and my steak was way too dry. This is the last time I let my brother make my lunch. I'm a pretty great cook and the only other person I'd let make me lunch is my mom, so the fact that I actually let my brother make me lunch is how I instantly know that I'm dreaming.

"Why don't we ever see you guys kiss, I mean you've never even held hands", F asked

"How is that any of your concern though man?", countered L

"I mean I get where F is coming from, it's kinda weird that these guys have been dating for 3 years now and we've never even seen them make out", N is always backing up F

With all the guys at the table giving their two-cents about our relationship and T quiet and acting oblivious, it was obvious that I had to be the one to save both of our asses. "T and I just aren't really big on PDA, I mean come on, you guys know how it is, you wouldn't want to be walking in on us making out everyday, you'd be uncomfortable as hell"

"You have a point there, I know for sure that I wouldn't want to see that", I looked to see where the voice came from and it was the girl who'd walked in a few moments ago "HI, I'm Y. I didn't mean to eavesdrop its just that you were pretty loud"

"What the hell, you can't just bust in other people business", L seemed really mad, he's not one for rude interruptions.

Y just looked at him and walked away. I thanked her in my head because the conversation shifted to her and how even though she seemed pretty ballsy, no one's ever actually seen her socialize in school.

When everyone was done with their lunch we all went our separate ways because Tuesday afternoon was extracurriculars time. My friends were all in robotics, they seem like meat heads but they really do have so many different layers, T was in the school paper, (which, by the wayonly published crappy subpar papers and stories) it's basically just an excuse for students to drink on campus, and I was in nothing.

I preferred to use this time to stoll away on the track field and listen to music, then read and finish up my homework on the bleachers. I don't regret my decision, in fact I think it was one of the biggest favors I ever did to my grades because it gave me enough time to catch up on everything.

With Scarlxrd on repeat, I completely lost myself in the music. I banged my books and stompedy feet. Completely in beast mode.

"whoaaa there", I snapped out of my tsnce when someone tapped my shoulder, P, my lab partner.

"hey man sorry I forgot you were coming here, you just witnessed a once in a lifetime concert", I said wrapping my earphones around my phone and placing it on one of the bleachers.

"what did you need me for?", he asked

"right uhmm I wondered if you could help me with practicals, I was thinking maybe we could study at my place?"

Before he could even respond, there were loud scream coming from the main school building. We immediately ran over to see what all the commotion was about. The moment we opened the school doors we saw students running, screamingand banging the lockers.

I grabbed an eight grader and asked " what the hell is going on in here? "

"Beats me, some seniors came into every room telling everyone to go to the hall for a big reveal"

He slipped out of my grip and headed towards the hall. P grabedd my hand and shouted "let's go"

I followed him , we were the last people to enter the hall, there was a video airing from the projector. Once I saw what it was about my heart dropped, my chest constricted, I couldn't belive my eyes.

F said through the microphone he was holding "And look our star is right there" and the moment he pointed at me everyone turned to look at me.

I shifted around and tried to catch P's eyes but he looked mortified he moved away from me and tried to act like he didn't know me.

I felt like a sore thumb sticking out, like a bag of weed no one wanted to be associated with.

My heart beat faster than it normally did I tried leaving the hall but all the exits were being blocked. I'm sure I looked like a crazy person moving from door to door trying to leave and then........

"X get up its time for school!"

I woke up drenched in sweat and saw my mums figure leaving my room. What type of fucking dream was that. I washed my face, got dressed and grabbed my book bag. I was done getting ready in no time but spent 30 minutes looking for my phone. I finally found it in my drawer but my battery had died and I was already late so I tossed it in my bag and left . I said bye to my family and drove to school.

I got into the school parking lot just as the late bell had rung, still hangover from my dream and trying to process it all. I nearly didnt notice the kids that were staring at me.

I brushed it off and got into class, the moment I saw what was scratched into my seat I knew it wasn't just a dream, the reason why I remembered everything was because it actually did happen.

Everyone found out, they knew, I heard snickers and giggles. Some girls were taking videos and other kids were whispering. I looked down at it one more time

"X hearts P" with a pride flag colored next to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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