Old Wounds

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Chapter 7

"Fresh air." Anvil spoke as he took a deep breath.

"You want fresh, wait until you visit my farm."

Anvil gave Bubba a sideways glance and set off alone towards the city. He hadn't been there in years, but his stomach still started to flutter. Anvil gave the auto-taxi an address from memory and in minutes took a step into his past. Walking straight through the lobby doors, which were actually an energy barrier that looked like doors, he approached the holographic receptionist.

"I am here to see Mary. Creedless. Mary Creedless. She works here. In a lab." Anvil sputtered out in rapid bursts.

The hologram gave him an 'Are you really that stupid' look. Anvil took a deep breath.

"Astrophysics and Stellar Phenomenon Research Center. Mary Creedless, Emeritus Researcher and Director of Nebulae Studies."

"Perhaps next time, you should start with that."

Even for a mechanical voice, the hologram's words were cold and dismissive. A few seconds later and the lift doors opened. With a rude single finger gesture known on many worlds, Anvil turned and headed for the lift. A short ride later and he stepped out into a polished hallway with a white floor and walls that had a black accent running the length of the hall from the floor to waist high. With his heart in his throat, Anvil pressed the intercom at the entrance of the lab.

"Identify, Please." Came a mechanical voice.

"Anvil Smith."

Moments passed and Anvil started to think he had wasted his time and even started to leave. The sound of the door opening stopped him in his tracks and felt like a gut punch. Anvil gathered his courage and entered. Inside was a sterile white room with many workstations, each designed for a specific task. The place was well organized and despite the austere look, felt comfortable. As Anvil made his way to the center, where the only soft seats were, he saw 3 clones. Each had deep brown eyes, auburn hair, and a freckled face. They even had a few extra pounds in the same places.

"Mary?" Anvil called out to the nearest clone. She blushed and pointed to the clone in the corner, who was busy at a workstation. Anvil walked over and waited patiently for her to finish entering data.

"Been a long time," Mary spoke to the terminal.

"Been busy." It was a lie and they both knew it.

Mary turned and gave him a polite smile. She tried to be subtle about looking him over, but Anvil caught her and looked away before she caught him doing the same thing. They moved to the couches in the center and sat opposite each other. She sat back and crossed her legs while Anvil sat squared off and stiff. He hadn't been this nervous since his pilot's exam.

"I have a problem."

"Seems I remember you had more than one." Mary jabbed at him playfully.

"I need a gravity well." Anvil blurted out, totally unnerved.

"Well, let's just check the stockroom, shall we?" Her sarcasm broke through the barriers he had built up.

"I really do need your help with this."

"So you just show up and ask for the impossible."

"I thought you would know how."

"You want me to just snap my fingers and create an anomaly out of thin air." She even snapped her fingers. "You would need equipment and a containment far beyond what I have here, or anywhere that I know of." Mary looked him over. "Unless you have something stashed away, you're SOL."

"Maybe I do." Anvil let that linger.

"What are you trying to say?"

"What if I know of something that is powered by a gravity well?"

"I'd say you are full of it."

"But what if I do?"

"Sarah may have fallen for you, but I haven't. I don't believe you."

"Leave her out of this." Anvil snapped back, his memories still painful. "I need help with a ship I am trying to get working. It needs a gravity well to power up."

"No ship uses a gravity well."

"This one does."

"And where did you get this magic ship?"

"It's a long story."


"Look. You spend your life in here studying theory. I can show you reality." Their eyes met. "At least take a look at it." You could feel the momentum shift, and it was flooding Anvil's way. "I'll take you there, let you see it, and if it is still impossible, I'll bring you back."

"No. I'm not leaving the lab." Her confidence had left her voice. "I have apple trees here. You know how hard it is to get plants through customs?"

Anvil shook his head. "This isn't forever. Just a look. You can decide for how long."

"What makes you think I want to get in a ship with you?"

"The chance of a lifetime."

Mary got up and walked back to her workstation. Anvil just sat back, watching and waiting. Any sense of calm had left her. She slapped her tablet on the counter and strutted over to Anvil.

"I'm not Sarah. I'm not the explorer here. She was." She looked Anvil over trying to guess his intentions. "I suppose you want to leave right away? Just drop everything and go?"

"How long do you need?"

"UGH. You still act like everything is easy." She stormed off again.

Anvil looked around and saw the other two clones watching with great interest. Mary tried to resume her work, but it was obvious she was just putting on a show.

"Damn you." She called from across the room.

"So you're ready to go?"

Mary gathered her things and led Anvil out of the lab. The other two watched every move until the door closed behind Mary and Anvil. A quick auto-taxi trip took them to her apartment where she gathered some clothing and a few hygiene items. The apartment was very Spartan with only a view of the alley for decoration. Mary closed the door firmly and the two of them were headed to the shuttle. Expecting Bubba to not be there, Anvil detoured to the nearby park where they found Bubba feeding the local waterfowl. At least he was consistent.

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