chapter two

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She gripped her bag tightly, digging her nails into the heel of her hand as she walked on the sidewalk, music filling her head. Her face was blotchy and puffy, and her hair was a mess, two loose braids on each shoulder, tied with two different colored bands. Claire walked, watching the world move around her, everything feeling like a dream. Her feet touching the pavement, the small trail of blood running down her hand from her nails, the boy sitting on a bench watching her with an intense curiosity. 

"Hey, um I know it's not any of my business but... are you ok?" He said, snapping Claire out of oblivious state. He was taller than her, and he looked almost as bad as her. A large, brand new gash decorated his freckled face, and his face wore a small frown. She sniffed, a hiccup escaping her chest as a result of the endless tears.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." She replied to the boy hastily, and continued walking, readjusting the backpack on her shoulders. The boy sighed quietly, and scooped up a small backpack, falling in stride with Claire. The sadness on his face was replaced by worry for the stranger, who seemed even more hurt than him.

"See, you think you're so ambiguous but I can see somethings wrong." He said, looking at her with curiosity. Claire looked up and frowned at the boy. He smiled at her in response, his face more alive than it had been before. 

"Big word for someone who looks like a hobo." Claire sneered, looking down at her feet as she walked, "Anyway, i'm not going to spill my life problems to a stranger." With this, she began walking faster, not bothering to look back at the boy. He continued with her, picking up his pace so he could by her side. She frowned and continued picking her pace, reaching a slow jog. 

"I'm not letting this go. How do I know you aren't going to do something bad. I would feel responsible." He said, his voice growing irritated, wanting to help her even though she wouldn't let him. At the same time, Claire tripped and fell, slamming onto the pavement, the picture and the other things in her bag spilling out onto the ground along with her. Her one arm was scratched from the elbow to the wrist from her fall, and the boy looked at her with concern. He came over and crouched down, picking up the stuff, trying not to be too nosy, but looking at the small Polaroid and examining it quickly before shoving it away.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to get hurt. Please let me help. I don't want to just leave you with a banged up arm, and I have a first aid kit anyway." The boy rambled, and Claire reluctantly complied. She got up slowly, walking over to a small bench situated at the edge of the sidewalk. She held tears back, not wanting the stranger see her cry. As she sat, he rummaged in his bag pulling out a small white container, opening it up and taking out a couple of small things. 

"Who just carries around a first aid kit?" Claire said, her voice shaky and quiet, but still dripping with sarcasm. He smiled, glancing at her bag and back up at her. 

"Unlike you, I want to be prepared." He replied, smiling as he cleaned her gash with a small wipe. She watched the wound get better quicker than it was supposed to, but blamed the small wonder as a symptom of her tiredness. The boy continued cleaning and covering the cut, concentration causing him to look angry, despite smiling only a second ago. 

"I'm Claire." She said, hoping it would somehow make him look less mad, as somewhere it scared her a bit, the look on his face. He looked up, the look in his eyes quickly changing back to kind.

"I'm Oliver." He replied. He picked up the stuff he had strewn on the pavement and reached out a hand towards Claire. She reluctantly accepted, and part of her was glad for the human interaction.  "I think you owe me an explanation as to why you're out here anyway." Claire pulled her hand back, gripping it in her own, and looked at Oliver.

"My dad. He disappeared last week, and I want to find him." She said quickly, instantly regretting it. She didn't want anyone joining her, and she knew he would want to. She could tell by the way he acted and presented himself. He cared about others more than himself. At her words, Oliver's face went paler than it had already been. 

"My mom went missing yesterday. I've been searching town all night." He said back, and Claire stared at him in disbelief.

Hes a liar. He has to be. How the hell is it possible both of our parents are missing without a trace, and we run into eachother simply like fate. Maybe he thinks having a common interest will make me more likely to like him... She thought staring at him. He stared back like he could read the confusion passing over her face. Like he know she didn't believe him in the slightest. In response, he reached into the bag that was slung over his shoulder and pulled out a pile of photos rubber banded together with a map. He unwrapped the bundle and fanned out images of a woman who looked like him, with the same happy-go-lucky smile. 

"She wouldn't just leave. Something happened to her." He looked at Claire, who looked back at him, still in slight disbelief. 

"My dad too." She said, the words dripping with sadness. 

"I guess that makes us a team." Oliver said, picking up her backpack, earning him a look from Claire, who went to grab it back as he turned away. "You might try to runaway, and I think whether you like it or not, we need eachother. Both of our parents are gone, and there has to be a reason we just have to find it. 

Claire looked up at him and nodded. She put headphones back into her ears and started walking, not waiting up for him. She held back the tears welling in her eyes, not wanting him to see her begin to cry, despite looking like she had been through hell and back. 

"You better not think this makes us friends." She said, continuing down the sidewalk. 


Hey !! I hope my lovely four viewers enjoyed the second chapter. I wanted another character to be included to help create a more dynamic story and character arch! Anyhow, if you actually care, please comment some criticism or anything else and vote so I can continue getting better at writing !

Love, Em

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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