Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


When I was a little boy, I always thought girls were gross and stinky. I didn't understand why I saw adults kissing and holding hands. Girls sucked. I hated them. My younger sister and I fought all the time growing up. I wouldn't share my toys with her. The girls at my school bullied me i guess that's why I disliked girls in elementary. They didn't like that I stole from their lunch boxes. However, in fourth grade, my thoughts about girls changed when my eyes landed upon a gorgeous girl in my class. She had dark brown hair that flowed down her shoulders. I had never seen her before that moment. Where did she come from? Is she even real? I remained frozen in place when I saw her walk through the double doors in the cafeteria. Her eyes searched the crowd, her eyes found mine. My breath dropped along with my heart. I was afraid if I moved, she would look away. The corner of her lips curled up. Her smile erupted waves in my stomach. Then, she strides away, disappearing into the crowd.

I looked down at my tray and was dumbfounded. No words could describe that moment. I wanted to know her name. I was only 9-years-old when this girl changed my life. I jumped into action and helped her gather up her papers. I handed her papers back, then I finally got to see the color of her eyes. They were a olive green. It reminded me of when leaves change colors in the fall.

It was recess time. Everyone was playing on the swing sets or playing a soccer field. Usually, I played with my friend Marcus. We liked playing on the monkey bars to see who would get the farthest. Marcus always won.

I was about to climb the monkey bars when I overheard a little voice speak.

"Stop it," the voice squeaked.

I looked below to see who said that. It was that girl that I spotted in the cafeteria earlier. She was by the slide surrounded by two other boys. She had her arms crossed and looked like she wanted to run away. Tears were running down her face. My stomach dropped. My arms dropped from the monkey bars and dropped to the ground. Marcus asked what I was doing.

One of the boys pulled at her hair. The other one laughed. I don't like that. I came up from behind them.

"She said stop it," I said.

They both turned around. I recognized them instantly. Miles and Chase. They bullied me as well. But I don't want them to bully this girl. She was new at this school.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Miles asked. Stepping towards me. I glanced at the girl. Her olive green was wide, looking at me. I stared back at Miles. I never confronted them. I usually let them bully me. Not today.

I felt Marcus, my best friend standing next to me. Something came over me. I couldn't control my emotions anymore.

I pushed Miles. He got angry. He pushed harder and I fell to the ground. I saw in the corner of my eye and that Marcus is on top of Chase. He was a better fighter than me. Miles had my arms pinned. Other students gathered around and started yelling "fight". I had the bright idea to kick Miles right in the nuts. He hit the ground in pain. I grinned in victory. I glanced at the girl. She was smiling at me.

She stepped over Miles, who was rolling around in pain. Good. "I'm Evie," she said.

"I'm Spencer."

Before anything could happen, an arm grabbed me and pulled me away. I didn't have to look up to know it was one of the teachers. I was still staring at Evie. I learned her name. Perfect name for a perfect girl. Marcus was getting pulled away from Chase; who was laying down on the ground.

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