Things to know when riding with certain Autobots
Smokescreen speeds and blasts a lot of Dubstep and Techno. He also thinks it's funny to park in the parking lot of a coffee shop and honk at random humans passing by. So watch out for him if you're walking anywhere with a drink in hand.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack blast different genres of metal. Wheeljack also likes to go to barren places in the middle of no where and blow things up.
Bumblebee speeds and plays a lot of One Direction, Ariana Grande, and My Chemical Romance. Also no one but the bots and Raf really know what he's saying. Don't take everything he tried to say trough the radio seriously either. Sometimes it can be quite hard to find recordings for every subject out there.
Arcee likes to occasionally ride on only one wheel for about a minute and very rarely will speed. She also tends to cut in front of slow drivers.
Ratchet is really boring. He's grumpy, old, and is only fun to hitch a ride with if you're upset and he's trying to cheer you up. But then again when you're sad riding with the siren on doesn't help all that much.
Optimus listens to stuff like news and weather channels. He is also a very patient driver and drives quite slow if it's not an emergency.
No one really knows what it's like to ride with Ultra Magnus. He's probably more boring than Ratchet though.
This is how my friend, sister, an I thought it would be like to ride with Team Prime.

Transformers Prime: Autobot Base Survival Guide
FanfictionWelcome to Team Prime! Wether you are a new Autobot that just came to Earth or you're a human that somehow got caught in the middle of a giant droid death match there are some things you should know. Stay tuned to find out!