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 The morning came and Leo woke up and rubbed his face from fatigue. He walked to the back of the Viper and knocked on the door. "Little Wisp? I just wanted to check up on you." He said softly as he knocked once again. The door opened and she met her father's face with a weak and drowsy smile. "Good morning, Wisp."

"Morning, Dad." She said looking up at her father. Le looked at his daughter up and down, checking to see if she was okay.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, wanting to touch her affectionately but he resisted the urge to give her fatherly love now. Fallon could see the cautiousness in her father's tired eyes and gave him a hug. She knew she could trust the people around her now, there was nothing to be afraid of. Leo sighed, grateful for his daughter's loving touch and hugged her back. "I'm doing better, Dad."

"That's great to hear." He kissed the top of her head and hugged her protectively, wanting to shield her from all danger now. "Its about time we get going. I heard Mori talk about The Order hunting us down, we need to move."

"Okay." She nodded and left the Viper to check if anyone was outside, Fira and Faris were outside, Fira turning a hunk of meat over the fire."

"Fira, we must go. I'm sure you can finish cooking that inside the Viper."

Fallon whistled and Faris jumped into the vehicle, Fira nodded and took the meat and food back inside to continue cooking it for them all. Fallon went back inside to get some water to douse the fire and check to make sure everyone was inside before they decided to take off. She shut the door and snuck into the driver's seat when Leo investigated Fira's cooking.

"Wisp, no." He approached her. "I will drive."

"It will help me take my mind off things, okay? Let me drive please? Plus, this Viper feels so nice in my hands." She replied. Leo rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Fine. Just don't run over any one this time." He gave her a knowing look.

"You need to stop talking to Venner." She joked. She started the Viper and it hummed and purred as it came to life, oh what a lovely machine it was. Fallon has a certain connection with metal machines that she couldn't explain. Maybe it was because she was raised by mechanics and just had a passion for fixing, tinkering, and operating something so heavy and intricately made.

She couldn't help but admire the way the Viper moved and made the right sounds to let her know she was doing something right by being behind the wheel. She followed the compass on the screen east towards Cinders, which would be a few days until they reached it. When they did reach it, she had no idea what would await them. She just hoped that she wouldn't have to face another Tomper.

Fira's cooking filled her nose and woke up everyone in the Viper, she smiled a little. It was going to be an easier journey with that child here cooking all the time. It was a nice change; Fallon usually did all the cooking.

The smell of breakfast filled the air and Fira approached her with a container of the food. Fallon looked over at it and smiled, it was a dish she knew well called Scover's Pudding. Not necessarily a pudding, it was just meat mixed in with rice and it was a common yet delicious food that most Scovers ate since that was all they could afford.

"Thank you, Fira." She let the child put the food in her lap and she took bites now and then as she drove.

Hawk hopped off his bunk and sat down in the passenger's seat next to Fallon, "How are you, Sis?" He asked her. Fallon glanced over at her brother.

"I'm doing okay. Thanks."

"I missed you, not going to lie. I know it's only been a couple of days, but I didn't like you not being present. Its nice to see your face again." He told her appreciatively. Fallon smiled slightly as the brother shared such a heartfelt sentiment. The two of them had a close bond during the beginning of The Divide and it was still strong to this day. All they had was each other for a long time, they relied on each other to get by.

"You know...I wonder what Benedict is doing right now. It's been so long since we've seen him."

"Good riddance to that awful man. If he knew what's good for him, he'd go back to Desolate with his tail between his legs." Hawk chuckled.

"Oh, but don't you ever wonder where him and Pilot ended up?"

"Probably in a ditch somewhere because he said the wrong thing to the wrong person. Benedict of course, Pilot would survive because he tried to make peace."

"Oh my God. You are so right about that." She giggled.

"Why does Pilot stay with that crazy man? He treats him horribly." Hawk asked. Fallon shook her head and shrugged.

"I don't know. Pilot is such a sweet man; he deserves a better friend." She sighed. "I wish he would've come with us when he had the chance."

"I can't see him leaving Benny any time soon." Hawk suddenly giggled at the idea he had in his mind and Fallon glanced at him with an amused smile on her face. "What?"

"Ok, ok...hear me out." Hawk suppressed a snort. "What if Pilot...is in love with Benny?" He suggested and looked at his sister. Fallon looked at her brother in disbelief as he suggested such a thing. Could it be possible that they both were practicing Vipira Do?

"You know that would explain a few things, wouldn't it? Pilots' unconditional dedication to his boyfriend." She joked. Hawk laughed along with her, and Fallon shook her head. "They do make a nice couple, don't they?" She teased again.

"I'm sorry, I cannot see it." Hawk giggled.

"I can, you know how long they have been friends. You honestly think that they haven't had the smallest bit of curiosity as to their sexuality and attraction?"

Hawk couldn't stop laughing from the idea of Benedict and Pilot being lovers. "They would make such an odd couple to me, in my opinion."

"I don't think so, who do you think calms down that brutal Benny after every fight?" Fallon smirked and looked over at her brother.


The brother and sister pair howled and cackled like hyenas in the front. Venner and Fira were having a cheerful conversation about their lives before The Divide and they were even laughing softly as they both reminisced about memories of their old lives. Leo just sat back and watched the four of them as they all filled the Viper with laughter.

He looked down at Faris and pet him contently as they all carried on having such a good time inside the vehicle. The way they all behaved made him chuckle and reminded him of the times he had with his family before The Divide. He closed his eyes and just took in the soothing sound of the joyous laughter. 

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