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He shot at the criminals surrounding him, twisting and flipping out of the way of enemy fire as they fell to his own. This was way too easy, these guys were completely new to this, that was obvious! And, of course, he spoke too soon and jinxed himself.

One was just skilled enough to sneak up behind him. Jason whipped around just as the man's gun fired, earning a bullet tearing into his side with a burst of pain. He quickly slung his AK of his shoulder, taking a handgun from his belt and putting a bullet through the man's temple. The body crumpled to the ground with the rest of them. He pressed his hand yo his side, crimson blossoming from the wound.


Jason sighed, stumbling over bloodied bodies and discarded weapons and out the door. He grumbled in annoyance at the stabbing pain in his side, crimson seeping slowly between his fingers. Making his way to the nearest zeta tube, the one he was sure led to the Batcave. Giving the computer his name and number, the machine's mechanical eye made a full body scan.

"Access denied."

This must have been Damian's doing. Only that demon spawn would revoke his access to the cave, probably just to get back at him for something, too. He let a heavy sigh slip past his lips, "Overrule. Access code D021J17.2T14d010."

"Access granted."

He closed his eyes, a blinding light washing over him. The computer announced his presence and a tense feeling filled the room for some reason. He pulled off his blood-stained, red helmet, stepping onto the stone flooring. He rubbed his eyes through his mask, exhausted. "Hey A, I--"

"How did you get in here?" A stern voice demanded, but you could still hear a small, shaking tone.

He dared to open his eyes, finding himself face to face with a team of ready-to-attack teens, some of which looking scared out of their wits. And why wouldn't they be? Red Hood, the top and most dangerous criminal on the streets of Gotham, known for drug dealing and killing his competition, had just been granted access to their base.

"What happened--" Nightwing called as he stepped into the room, cutting himself off as soon as he lay eyes on Jason, a stupid grin spreading across his lips. He quickly moved to hold his brother lifting him up in a tight hug, "Babybird!"

"Ah, ow, put me down, Dick," Jason groaned, kicking meekly at Dick's legs.

Dick placed him back down, spotting a splash of crimson dripping down Jason's side and onto the floor, creating a tiny, growing pool at his feet. "Let me guess, you were dropping by to get some help from Agent A and took the wrong port?" He assumed, lifting the criminal's shirt just over the wound to get a closer look at the severity of it.

"You guessed right," was the drawn out response, "and if this is your team, then where's--"

A small figure shoved his way through the crowd, screaming something at the top of his lungs about 'Red Hood stop being a moronic idiot and choosing the wrong port again.'

"Well, sorry, nerd," Jason scoffed, "I was bleeding out and thought the demon spawn took away my access as some sort of petty revenge or something!"

"Oh you and I both know if he had a revenge plan it would be way worse than that!" Tim scoffed right back, holding out his hand, "And give me your cigs."

"Really? You guys suck," he groaned as he took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and passed them to Tim.

"Doesn't look that bad, but there may be some scarred tissue. Let's go get that bullet outta you, babybird," Dick said, dragging Jason towards the infirmary.

"Wha--how are you two just okay with him being here?!" Miss Martian, either Megan or M'gann if he remembered right, demanded, staying quite far from him as she followed.

"Megan, Red Hood isn't as bad as people make him out to be," Tim reassured her, pausing. "Most of the time."

"Most of the time?" Megan asked in disbelief, "How do you even know this guy?"

"Babybird," Jason called from the infirmary door while Dick was still trying to drag him inside. A faint trail of blood followed him along the floor. "You gonna come tell me about your brat friends?"

"M'comin' Outcast," Tim returned in the same tone, shrugging off Megan's questions and running up to them. He ushered his older brothers in, closing and locking the door behind them.

Dick set up Jason with an IV on one of the cots, making him pull off his old leather jacket and bloodied shirt, grabbing a bag with his blood type written on it from the cabinets of medical supplies on the other side of the room. He hummed, grabbing the other supplies he needed and setting up the blood beside the IV. He started working on Jason's wound, earning hisses and grunts of pain from the other as he refused to be put on painkillers.

To keep him distracted, Tim started telling the delinquent about the members of Young Justice, asking him a few questions to keep him awake and aware of his surroundings. His answers started trailing off and slurring together. Tim jabbed his finger at Jason's  collarbone, just getting his hand swatted away in return.

"Oh just let him sleep, Timmy," Dick hummed, wrapping Jason's side tightly. Jason's eyes fluttered closed, his breathing slowing to a low, rythemic pattern. Asleep for once in a long while.

(Any ships? Also, props to anyone who can figure out Jason's personal access code~)

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