Potato Mom positivity

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Hello, this is Potato Mom again. Let's look at the positive stuff.

- I think animals do like me, but I don't think they actually do when I am near them, but I like doggos and cattos😊

- My family and friends say I am pretty, and I believe that😊 Because we all are beautiful in some way or other, children, never think otherwise.

-As I said, I am a beautiful person who has some flaws and is imperfectly perfect

- In high school, I dealt with low self esteem issues because of my body weight, but everything's great now. No, I didn't lose my weight, but I gained confidence😊
Because what's wrong with being confident( Yes, Demi Lovato)

- Positivity is not where you always think that everything's gonna be fine. It's something like you have this thing you are dealing with is one which you don't want to, you do feel sad sometimes, but that's not stopping you from being happy. So, smile😊 Because that one person(not just the significant other, it can be you best friend, your dog, your cat, they aren't people but you know what I mean) wants you to.
And they think you're beautiful

I think that's it for now. I can't think of anything for now. I am sorry if it isn't positive enough 🌝



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