The Disruption

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A/N: And here we have the fifth chapter! A bit of drama in this one causes it to be a long two-parter. The drama in this will act as a sort of ice breaker to the plot, meaning things will get interesting from here on in.

I hope you enjoy & as usual if you do, be sure to press that star!

A big massive thank you to all of my 21 amazing followers - I love you all!

Chapter 5 - The Disruption

The water fell on her skin and cascaded down to form puddles at her feet. She washed herself gently, savouring the warmth of the shower on such a cold day. It was a crisp Monday morning and the first day of classes.

Evangeline, along with the rest of the school, had received her timetable at breakfast on Sunday morning. She was quite pleased with hers, having swapped Divinations for double Potions.

She turned off the water and stepped out onto the cold stone floor, tightly wrapping a towel around her body.

"Evangeline, are you nearly done yet?" An impatient Daphne shouted, knocking her fist against the bathroom door.

She rolled her eyes, knowing that one of the other girls were probably hogging the other bathroom, and opened the door to let her best friend in.

"Thank you." Daphne said, sounding flustered. "Pansy's been in there for over 25 minutes."

"It's no problem." Evangeline replied, drying herself discretely as Daphne disappeared behind the shower stall.

She pulled on her uniform and started her make-up, smiling as she listened to Daphne hum loudly in the shower.

She had a total of eight classes this year, Transfiguration, Potions (double), Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, the Study of Ancient Runes, Arithmancy and Astronomy. Each of them were at O.W.L level, meaning that at the end of the year, she would be sitting her O.W.L exams. The results would determine which N.E.W.T level subjects she would be able to take in her 6th and 7th years.

She finished tugging her hair up into a textured ponytail and grabbed her stuff, heading back to the dormitory. She spotted Tracey Davis on the stairs as she was putting her washing in the basket at the end of her bed.

"Tracey, wait up!" She called, chasing after her.

"Hey Evangeline." Tracey said, slowing down to let her catch up.

The girls made their way to breakfast together and talked about their upcoming classes.

"I've got Defence Against the Dark Arts first, then Herbology and then double Potions in the afternoon." Evangeline said, remembering the correct order of her classes.

"I think I'm in your Herbology class but I've got Divination first and then Ancient Runes and Charms in the afternoon." Tracey explained.

Evangeline laughed and shook her head. "You're crazy going back in Trelawney's class willingly."

"I know." She groaned as they climbed the stairs from the dungeons. "I don't know why I picked it this year, I thought it would be easy."

They walked through the tall doors to the Great Hall, where many of the students were already sat eating breakfast, and made their way to the Slytherin table.

Evangeline chose her favourite breakfast meal; two toasted waffles and a few handfuls of berries with a side of fresh pumpkin juice.

"Did you see Daphne and Blaise on Friday?" Tracey asked with a hushed voice from beside her, remembering back to the night Marcus Flint sneaked Firewhiskey into the castle.

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