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"for the last time dad, i cant just walk out of school" Toni whispered into her phone while she leaned against the lockers, people rubbing shoulders with her with they attempt to reach their class on time, "unlike you i care for my education im not 'evil' like you" she mumbled using air quotations around the word "evil" accompanied by an eye roll. "come on honey please just for daddy" he purred, Toni only rolled her eyes harder, shes the only thing her dad will beg for besides his husband his words coming off as somewhat sweet, mostly demanding. like candy, that's on fire; sweet but also could kill you in an instant, "no. now 5th is starting i got to go" Toni yanked the phone from her ears smashing the 'end call' button. Toni took two steps foreword before a portal opened up beneath the ground. Toni fell straight into it, swallowing her whole. students crowding around the newly opened world that seemed to be engulfed in fire, and consisted of the color palate of all shades of red.

|Toni's p.o.v|

i shut my eyes as i feel myself fall from the sky, i was just in the hallway how'd i end up in hell? i can tell im there from all the cracking fire and pain-educed screeches, i flick open one eye just to close  halfway the light blinding me. i let out a loud scream as i twirl through the sky, every demon snapped their heads up to me. i recognized some of them as the grabbed anything remotely soft and piled it up for me to fall on, if dad found out they let me hit the ground they would be dead...er twice as dead? i dont know im too busy trying to aim for the small patch of ripped smelly-looking clothing they whipped together. oh no. im going to miss that target, ill just accept my fate right now. closing my eyes i spread open my arms ready to accept the face that i didn't die and then go to hell, i died in hell. i hear a loud 'pumph' as my body smacks into something weird like a uncomfortable rock hard, smelly mattress that smells like ass. creaking open one eye i peer around my surroundings, dull, nasty, filing my head up a swarm of people lazily wrap around me and the gross pile of clothes. "hello everyone" i weakly toss up my left hand and flash them a friendly/pissed smile, they nod their heads in understatement. i see a familar face in the crowd as they  start to disperse, "sorry Toni i couldnt stop your crazy ass dad" kyle, my dads friend and co-worker. he leans in giving me his hand, hapy to get out of these dull clshing clothes and onto the hot red pavement of hell, "what does he want now" I sigh dusting  myself off as Kyle guides me through the busy common area, bystanders look whisper and silently greet us. "not sure, he said something about having quality time with  you?" he shrugs, of course my dad will pull me out of school to have some bonding with him "that's so like him" I groan pushing my hair away "why am I even surprised by him" I continue. "I want to show him that I want to be on my own,  he needs to get out my damn business and respect me. " I clutch my hand into a fist as we push past people heading to the hell headquarters, Its impossible to miss, a giant oak tree surrounded by saplings, "those are some strong words coming from you Toni" he says all nonchalant and stupid. He doesn't  even look at me "yeah well strong words get shit done, Kyle." I cross my arms and enter the building while Kyle opens the door for us both, I mutter a 'thank you' to him, I my be a bitch but I'm not a monster, "you know your father doesnt like you speaking like that" he warns leading me up to the receptionist.
I shrug "I guess." Kyle turns back go me "Toni, I know you care for him just try not to start a war with him" he turns back to the receptionist while they talk
"good afternoon Mr.Swale what can I do for you?" she asks clacking away at her keyboard
"were here to see Lucy" he returns calling my dad by his nickname, the nickname he hates of course, I earns a chuckle  out the three of us
"of course I'll let him know you're coming up" she smiles buzzing a button and leaving a voicemail about our arrival.

The elevator  ride is quite and boring an idea forms in my mind over a way to tell my dad I'm okay and didn need him, "Kyle would you ever betray me?" I ask shifting legs "depends-" he starts "yes or no Kyle" he sighs I shift my eyes to him "yes"
I know he's lying but whatever I take a deep breath looking at the numbers on the elavator clock higher, 57... 58.... 59....
"I'm thinking of dating someone" I blurt out Kyle directly looks at me, no more nonchalant Nicky "Toni!" is all he can mange can say, I roll my eyes "is this about your father?" he groans "thanks for stating the obvious! what else would it be about? He smothers me!" I growl, the palms of my hands began to heat up... A lot... I start to shake them trying to cool them down "Can you go one day without throwing some shade at him?!" Kyle yells at me.  furious Frank much?
My hands get hotter, "you should be happy you have a father that cares!" he tosses his hands around like he's controlling an angry sock puppet
Ow. Ow!OW!
"ow! My hands!" I blow on them frantically Kyle stands there angry at me "oh come on can't change the subject" he rolls his eyes, I can't take it and just stick my hands out as they are swallowed up by flames on que Kyle and I both scream, well I mean my hands don't hurt anymore, I quickly look at the numbers on the elevator 'level 100' shit...


A/n: I hope you enjoy this series I might start a Detroit series so let me know if you'll read it❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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