The World is unfair.

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I wonder what it would be like to just never come back down from the stars.

would anyone truly care?
But the world would never seem that fair...

they just want me for my humor and for my fun.
Only to save themselves from the thunderstorm blocking the sun

they need me for even the least bit of sanity.
Or maybe I'm just their machine, spitting out rights and brights of their vanity...

But life or death sentence here, who would they pick?
Their best drunk pal or a girl that's a stick? Oh that's right... it's never me.

Maybe I do belong in the galaxies and space.
All the planets and stars understand it's not a race.

the world is just a place where everything competes.
But in space there isn't room for comparing or any cheats.

We're all too small in this great vast expanse.
We could never judge each other, because we would never get the chance.

The world was so unfair, it kicked me out into its orbit.
Now all that's left is a single tear, left for the oceans world to absorb it.

This was a poem explaining how judgemental the world is... the people in it are so competitive and think the highest class is most important but they don't realize, that out into space there are endless amount of planets... and stars... and galaxies. And each planet and star out there understand how small they are compared to everything... and how they shouldn't bother fighting with each other... the earth... is the most selfish. This is identifying how we as people... as countries... as a whole world... are destroying each other. All by words and models. Think about how much more there is beyond this world and how stupid we all are. Hope we can change and fight for the future.

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