Chapter 2- Surprise

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Alexis' POV

"Okay class your homework will be to read chapters 1-4 of 'The Great Gatsby' by tomorrow. If you haven't finished it you will be behind and you will fail the quiz you will be having on it. You are dismissed" Mr. West told us.

We all stood up and collected our things. I put my book in my backpack as well as my homework book. "Mr. West, can I talk to you?" I asked politely to my English teacher.

"Of course Miss Monroe, take a seat" I did as I was told and pulled out a note my mother wrote for him.

"I will be here for tomorrow, but it is my last day. My mom says that I will be going on a trip for the rest of the year, but I did finish my english project that is due the last day of school, and I finished the book and the report for it, I got into it, it is genius." I said with a smile. Mr. West read the note I handed him and then started to type on his computer.

"Oh that is excellent of you, I will definitely miss you. You were actually the best student of the year." He laughed then stopped typing on his computer and faced me.

"Will you be returning next year? I will be moving to 9th grade English, it would be great if you ended up in my class again." Mr. West told me.

"Well I hope so. All my mom said was that I'm going on a trip, and never told me when I was coming back." I frowned at the thought.

"Oh, well I hope you enjoy your trip, may I have your project and book report?" He asked. I nodded and dug through my backpack. I finally found my 5 page book report and my little cd with my digital project on it.

"Thank you Miss Monroe, I will see you tomorrow. You better get going, I bet your mom is waiting outside, I don't think you want to stay in school for a whole day." He said with a laugh. I laughed along then gathered my things. "See you later Mr. West" I said while walking out.

I headed down to my locker and opened it. I took out all of my things that I wouldn't need for tomorrow and put them in my backpack. I put my finished work in my locker for tomorrow. My locker was all empty besides the 4 papers I needed for tomorrow.

I closed my locker and headed out to where I always meet my mom. I spotted her car and got in. "Hey mom." I said while putting my backpack on the floor.

"Hey Lexi, did you talk to your teachers?" Jessie asked.

"Yes, all 9 of them." I responded.

"You had 9 classes today?" She asked confused.

"No I had 5, but I went to my other 4 during lunch and in between classes." I explained.

"Alright, well tomorrow is your birthday, let's go get some shopping done." She smiled. We headed out of the school yard and went to a large mall. My mom parked the car and we went inside. We went to Forever 21, Hot Topic, Hollister, American Eagle, and Journey's. We found a lot of clothes and shoes for my trip that I was taking. I still didn't know where I was going, but I decided to wait to ask about it until tomorrow.

We gathered all of our bags and headed back out to the car. We put all of the bags in the trunk of the Jeep that my mom owned. We headed home and got all of our items that we bought, and brought them into the house. I sat on the couch next to my mom. "Hey mom?" I said.

"Yes" she answered.

"I was wondering if I could go see the One Direction concert that is at the arena down the street." I asked sweetly.

"Well I mean, I thought about it but then, um... well... your dad's sister contacted me the other day, and said you should meet some of your cousins that are in Europe..."

"I don't see what that has to do with me seeing One Direction... but anyway, where in Europe?" I wondered.

"London, England" She replied. I was shocked.

"REALLY OH MY GOSH! You know One Direction lives there right?"

"Yes... um...this trip will be way better than going to see One Direction." She said to me.

"But mom this is there last concert in America before heading back to London, and it's tomorrow on my birthday" I whined.

"Lexi just trust me. Besides, if the concert is tomorrow, aren't the tickets already sold out?" She asked.

"No there are a few more seat, bad seats, but I don't care." I told her.

"Sorry Lexi, maybe next time." She said sadly. Why was she acting so different? She got up and left to her room. I sat there thinking. What could possibly be better than seeing One direction in concert?

I sighed then went up to my room. I stared at all of the One Direction posters on my walls. I smiled then went to take a shower. When I got out of the shower I went through some of the stuff that was still in my room and finally got my clothing. I barely had anything to wear because all of my stuff was being transferred to the house I was going to be staying at in London. I still didn't know who I was staying with; I'm guessing my aunt or something. I can't wait until my birthday tomorrow, just thinking about it made me fall asleep with a smile on my face.

A/N      Thanks for reading the 2nd chapter of NOL, I hoped you liked it! If you have any ideas, it would help me out, so post your ideas in the comment section below:) FAN, COMMENT, AND VOTE! <3

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