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Dear Angel,

In all honesty, I have always wanted my life to be written like a book.
All exciting and adventurous. Where the boy and girl who have nothing in common, fall in love and have a 'happily ever after'.
Where the knight defeats the dragon, where the superhero saves the day, where even a small town girl can find herself in the big city; I just wanted my life to be something to remember.
You know, like a book!

Of course, i would never be a super hero who saves people for a living, but I feel i can make a difference no matter what power I have.

With me being a normal teenage girl, you can decide if Im normal or not, I have nothing exciting to write about in
a book or novel that others would like to reread over and over again. I can also say that honestly, my life is as interesting as drying paint.

However, things change over time and I finally realized after plenty surgeries, school days, check-up's, and sleepless nights, that you actually have to work for what you want.
You can't just expect stuff to magically appear in front of you and have it in the best condition without lifting a finger, first.

You have to bleed, sweat, and breath work or what you want in your life. I had to work for my great story just like everyone else, but I am different enough to know that I have to work much harder in life than others. Sure, I know I don't have a bad life, but I sure as hell have had bad luck.
I just had to overcome the difficulties and bad luck so I could live a great life.
So I could live my own great story...

I wanted to to go on adventurous, see the world, do something illegal and feel free as I run from the cops, fall in love, break things and put them back together, and maybe even become a well-known person over the country.
I know that is a handful and most is not possible, but you can't blame me for dreaming. Me without dreaming is like music without feelings, and that ends up as nothing.

If it wasn't because of dreaming (or hope), I probably would have given up and just except the fact that I can't do anything right and that I will always be an outcast.
Dreaming, my friends and family, books, and music definitely say otherwise...

My friends are the people to thank for me being suck a positive person. If it wasn't for them, I would be sitting in my room, attached to a IV unit, reading by myself.

No fun, if you ask me.

Thanks to them, I have something to live for. I get to have great times, fun times, memories that will last a life time, and many more great things.

Well, I guess I can also thank my crush, Dallas Atakens, for having me like some one and to know how it feels to like someone more than just 'friends', but he doesn't even know me. I don't even thinks he knows how much he means to me, he's a great guy and is hot as hell.
In my eyes, he's perfect but if he sees me through his eyes, I guarantee that all he will see is a average looking girl who blends in with the crowd.
I wish I could read minds, but I feel like I wouldn't want to know what he thinks of me, that is if he even knew me.
He's popular, I'm not. Populars belong with other populars like his ex-girlfriend, Jenna Marcenson, the most popular girl in school. In my opinion she is a bitch but everyone else seems to love her. I don't know how they don't see past her nose job and face, but I do and, man, she has one dark soul.

I, on the other hand, belong where I am. Invisible. I am glad i have my friends who stick by my side though. They help me whenever I need it and are always there for me when I am in surgery, check-up's, and much more for my heart.
Besides from being cut open with a small knife and fixed up inside of me, I'm glad I can hide my scars and stitches. No one knows about my problem because it's a rare one.

Good, I like it that way. Im under the radar.

I will write to you the next time I can, I promise. I have a lot going on right now with my heart, but I hope you understand that it is hard for me to pay attention to this stuff. Don't worry, though, I won't forget about you, ever. You are they only one who knows about my secret prayers, after all! And thank you for answering my other prayers; I know I can be very annoying with asking you for help...

Skylar L. Staller
(your little peace-maker)

PS. You might want to get comfortable, the next letter will be one hell of a story for you. Literally...

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