chapter 1

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Today is officially 2 months since my father has died. I guess a lot has happened since that day that is always repeating in my head. I mean usually when people die people they get better over time, but that's just not reality for me . I went downhill, very fast each day is worse. Thoughts, memories, and that day is the only thing i think about.

A couple weeks after my dad died i shut everyone out that i knew. My mom tried to break the wall that surrounded me , but she had no luck. My friends , tried, and tried .There was nothing anyone could do . I think everyone just thought i needed space so that's what they gave me.

Little did they knew that i serena was falling into a deep pit of depression.


" serena honey come downstairs and eat " my mom said to me . She was sitting at the end of my bed while i just looked out the window . It's been a month since his passing, and i'm still not ok.

My mom starts to shed a tear.

"serena he would want you to be happy , i think he would be very upset if he saw the state you were in right now and you know that" she said i started turn and look at her and showed her a fake smile hoping it would fool her, and it did.

"come on lets go eat i made taco's your favorite" i just nodded and followed her down the stairs.

After dinner i came up with a plan , i would pretend that my life is how it used to be just to make everyone and myself believe that im fine. When i'm not fine , i'm the complete opposite.

The next i went to school, i had on what my outfits were normally , and my guitar by my side just like normal. I had 30 minutes of free time so i went to the music wing of my school, and i signed out a studio . When i got in i started playing around with some chords, hoping to get a match to my lyrics i wrote. Once i got the rhythm and pattern i liked i added the lyrics.

"life without you

is not life

its not anything

I tried to breathe today

but just had a heart attack instead

Im hoping just to get close to you again

It feels like ages since we talked

i would die a thousand times just to hear your laugh again-"

(i know these lyrics suck just bear with it)

The door creaked open and i saw a really cute guy standing there . " omygosh i'm so sorry i thought this was room 3c, um you're serena right " how does this guy know my name. " yah .. " the awkward tension just filled the room he smiled "im hunter by the way"

This was the moment where i met the guy who was the only one to break my walls and save me.



Hey so chapter 1 is up hope you guys like it





Love you guys



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