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Demon 1

Driving along the rocky, deserted road seemed like forever. It's been 3 days since I was kicked out of my own house and forced to find a different roof to live under.

I've had no luck finding the right place to live which was just a bonus. Either the place was too expensive or too full.

Finally after almost giving up, I noticed that up ahead was a motel. Motel 666 the sign read. All the letters blinked except all the 6's that were blown out. As much as the 666 part spooked me a little, it was the first place I had seen in 3 days and it looked small and cheap.

I pulled up in the empty parking lot that only held 5 cars. It didnt look bad from the outside but hopefully it won't be as bad as I'm expecting.

Stepping out of my vehicle, I quickly grabbed my bags of clothes and dragged them inside. I jumped as the bell rang signaling that someone had entered

The lobby wasnt bad. There were 4 sets of couches and an old tv placed in front of it. There were also a couple vending machines and then a separate room labeled breakfast/lunch/dinner.

I hurried over to the front desk and noticed a young ages girl, maybe mid 20's, giggling at my curiousness.

"Hello! I'm Sarah! Welcome to Motel 666! The 666 part may sound eerie but I can assure you that this place is as safe as safe can be!" The young lady chirped

"I'm Jessica. You can call me Jess. I will need a room that I can stay in for a while until I find a new house, is that okay?" I asked earning a nod from Sarah

"That's perfectly fine! We have about 6 rooms that are large enough for people to even live in! You room will be one of them! So you are room 183. Enjoy your stay!" Sarah smiled

I grabbed the keys and smiled back, picking up my bags and scurrying off to my room.

I turned the corner and stopped right at a creepy dimly lit hallway, my hallway. I cautiously walked down the hallway looking at the plain, chipping walls. I wonder if anyone else is here. Finally I came to my room, room 183.

As I put the key in the lock, I heard a heavy breathing behind me. Goose bumps rose on my skin as it fanned over my neck. Freezing in fright, I turned around quickly preparing to hit whoever it was but saw no one. Just a dark, empty hallway. Turning quickly, I shoved the key in the lock when the breathing started again. I twisted the door knob and hurried inside slamming the door closed and locking it.

Pressing my back against the door, I listened for the breathing but it was again gone. I sighed and made my way into the room.

It was a normal size room, 1 bed, old tv, bathroom, drawers, closest, couch and a small table In the corner.

I tossed my bags on the bed and plopped down next to them.

Closing my eyes, I started to drift asleep when I heard a loud angry cry. I instinctively shot up and raced to the door. I pulled open the door and saw a once again, empty hall. I was about to close my door when I heard a light sob from the room across mine.

I hesitantly knocked once on the door before everything went silent.

"H-hello? Is-is everything alright in there?" I asked

No answer. I went to knock again when the door pulled open, no one was there.

"Hello?" I asked shakily

I pushed the door open further and peeked In the pitch black room.

"W-who's there!?"

"I wouldn't come In here if I was you" a raspy voice spoke.

My eyes widened as I quickly closed the door and raced back to mine, slamming the door, locking it and peaking out the tiny hole.

I ran over to my bed and slid into the covers. Only one thing was on my mind the whole night.

Who was that?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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