Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Where the hell is he at?!" I yell.

Today is our play off game and Tyler is nowhere to be found. We are currently in our schools locker room because the game is being held here at Carmel Heights. Tonight we are challenging Mckinley High. They are one of the best teams in the league.

I haven't heard from Tyler since he asked for the one on one practice. He wasn't in school today and he isn't answering any of my calls.

"Just calm down." Kael says rubbing my arms up and down.

"Do not tell me to calm down! Tyler is my number one wide receiver."

"Hey!" I hear Jose say. I look toward him and he has his mouth stuffed with a stickers bar. I roll my eyes and wave him off.

"He'll be here." Jay says confidently.

I really hope she's right.

"Jose, this ones going out to you. Tonight you're my number one so please don't fail me." I say simply and we break out of our huddle.

The score is at 24-30. Mckinley being 30.

I get behind Lance, yeah he's playing center now, and call hike.

The ball hits my hands and Jose is nowhere to be found. None of my wide receivers are open! I decide to blitz it.

I make it to the 28 yard line before getting tackled. That's our second down. I stand up and stretch my arms before going to our bench.

"What was that?!" Dev asks.

"I blitz it because no one was open." I say simply.

I take a swig from my water bottle before joining the huddle.

"Statue of liberty." We break out and I get behind Lance.

I glance to my right and see Tylers mom talking to Coach Reynolds.

I try to shake it off but my curiosity gets the best of me. I call for a time out and run over to the two.

"What's going on?" I ask and take my helmet off

"Kaeleah, thank god! Have you heard from Tyler?" she asks urgently.

"No. I haven't, what's going on?" I ask again with full seriousness.

"Tyler left last night aftere having.g  a silly fight with Andrew. He told one of the girls he was gonna be at yours. But when his English teacher called informing me that he wasn't in class I became worried. I thought he  would be here."

"Well he's not. Why did he leave last night?" She casts a worried glance to Coach then turns her attention back to me.

"Andrew borrowed his shampoo and Tyler went into fit of rage and started beating on Andrew." she explains.

This woman does not know her son. At all. Tyler hates when people take his things without asking. Especially if he's the one who spent his own money on the item.

"Tyler lashed out or Andrew lashed out?" I ask knowing very well she's going to lie.

"Of course Tyler lashed out he-"

"No no no." I say cutting her off. "Don't lie to my face. Whatever happened was not Tylers fault. Andrew obviously did something to make Tyler mad. I know that he was not the one who hit first. Tyler would never make the first move. He's better than that and isn't that stupid. You are too blind to see that Andrew is always the problem in the situation Tyler's just on the receiving end." With that final statement I walk away and call my team in for a huddle.

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