Lucifer - One

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Imagine: teaching Lucifer how to play video games.

"Entertain me, (Y/N)!" A deep needy voice whines throughout the Bunker. "You're supposed to be guarding me."
Your (E/C) eyes move from the laptop screen to the Devil you currently have chained up in the dungeon.
"Exactly. I'm a guard, not an entertainer." You sigh, returning your focus back to the video. "Be quiet or I will gag you."
Why are you left to babysit Lucifer while Sam and Dean go on a hunt?
Lucifer smirks. "Ooh, kinky. Me likey."
He carries on making remarks throughout the whole episode of Brooklyn 99. You slam your laptop shut and fix your ponytail. Like a homemade sweater, you are beautifully composed and thoughtful in appearance, but itchy and irritable in comfort. Standing up, you walk towards the door and turn around to glare at Lucifer.
"Do us a favour ... I know it's difficult for you but please, stay here, and try not to do anything ... stupid." You mutter, leaving the Devil alone.

You stride through the empty corridors of the bunker, stopping outside your room. With a smile, you throw your laptop on your bed and grab your Xbox, taking it back to the dungeon and running back to your room for your TV. After plugging everything in, you stand up, wiping your hands on your skinny jeans. You turn to your prisoner and grin.
"What is this?" He questions, raising an eyebrow.
"This, my dear devil is an Xbox." You grab a controller and pass it to him, loosening his chains ever so slightly. "You want to be entertained, well here you go. The best entertainment system ever. No matter what Sam says."
Lucifer stares at you and then the controller, his mouth slightly open.
"Oh, have I, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), made Lucifer himself speechless?"
"You are so weird." He comments.
"You have no idea." You reply, turning on the Xbox.
Lucifer remains silent as you select the game and sit on the floor next to him.
"Welcome to the world of Halo!" You exclaim excitedly.
You show him the controls, ignoring his unimpressed face. You load up the easiest mission and start the game. This Xbox is like your rock in life. It gets you through hard times, sad times and just life in general. It's how you met the Winchesters. Sam was in the game store and you started arguing with him about why the Xbox is better than the PlayStation; you won the argument, obviously. Anyway, let's get back to kicking Lucifer's ass in Halo.

"I don't understand what the point of this is." He grumbles as he dies for the thirtieth time. "This game thing is stupid."
You stick your tongue out at him. "You only think it's dumb because you suck at it."
You throw a grenade, watching in disbelief as Lucifer's character runs after it, subsequently getting blown up.
"You killed me!" He screeches, slamming his controller on his chair.
"I didn't!" You defend, your (E/C) eyes wide. "You ran into my grenade."
He huffs, turning his attention to the screen.
"I do not understand how this is entertainment." He mutters bitterly.
You turn to face him, your cheeks burning red.
"Are you questioning my methods?"
"I am not questioning it, I am saying it's stupid."
With a small sigh, you turn back to the screen and carry on with the mission. However, Lucifer soon gets bored of you ignoring him, so he joins in with the game again. This time he seems to have the hang of it and the two of you successfully complete the mission in no time.

"Finally!" You yell, jumping up and high fiving Lucifer. "I can't believe we completed the level."
Lucifer stares at you in what seems to be a mixture of astonishment and awe.
"Did you enjoy it?" You question with a small giggle.
He shrugs. "It was ok."
Your face drops, oh, maybe he only cooperated so he didn't have to play anymore. You're about to turn off the Xbox when Lucifer pipes up in a small voice.
"Is there another level?"
You spin around and grin as you sit next to him again. Maybe babysitting the Devil isn't so bad.

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