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Edited by Goddamnit_Kyle


I groaned in frustration, screaming into my pillows. How can she do that? She knows I hate going outside. I'm an antisocial person when it comes to the unknown. I can't even utter a 'hi' without making a fool of myself and still, still, she decided it was good for me to babysit some boy.

I threw the pillow off the bed and it landed on someone's face. "The fuck?!"

"Noah, you didn't knock." I hate it when people enter my room without knocking. It feels like a breach of privacy and I, for one, don't like when people question me.

"You were screaming and jumping for the past one hour, so I thought you were fucking someone." He said, sitting on my bed.

"Wow Noah, thank you for having such faith in me." I rolled my eyes and scrolled through my phone.

I really need one of Stella's talks.

"Where is he?" Noah asked, glancing around the room. I knitted my eyebrows, confused.

"Where is who?"

"The person you were fucking."

"Can you please not use that kind of language? You know, I hate it when people swear, and no there is no one in my room. I wasn't doing the deed with anyone."

"Then why were you screaming?" I plopped down on my bed and let out another muffled scream into my pillows. Noah just looked at me like I had gone mental.

Maybe I have!

I don't want to babysit some little boy. It's not like I hate kids, in fact, I love them, but there's a no stepping out of my room policy on school days that I faithfully follow. Who likes going out on school days anyway?

Not me.

"Mom is sending me to babysit her friend's son." I grumbled as I slouched deeper into the bed.

"Damn, that sucks."

"Thank you for your encouraging words, dear brother." I say, sarcasm dripping from my voice. I'm only like this when I'm with someone really close, which only consists of my parents, Noah, and Stella. With anyone else I'm a nervous wreck.

"Have fun babysitting some kid, I'll just hangout with Jace." I nodded my head as he walked out of the room. Jace is his best friend, and they've been together since diaper days. Trust me when I say that they both are crack.

Scrolling through my phone, I dialled Stella's number, hoping that her talk will hopefully do some good for me, like always.

"Lynnie, what's up?"

"Babysitting is what's up."

"What?" I explained my sad story to her and she listened carefully.

"Tell me what to do!"

"Come on, Lynnie. It's no big deal. It's Tuesday, and knowing you, you're already done with all the homework." She's not wrong. "I don't think there should be any problem babysitting some cute little boy."

Sounds appealing.

"Thank you, Stells."

"Okay then, b—"

"Wait!" I yelled before she could hang up.

"What now?"

"What should I wear?" She started laughing at my question. "Hey! Stop laughing! I'm already nervous."

"It's just babysitting, Lynnie. Wear whatever. Considering today's weather, go with ripped jeans and a black t-shirt."

"But those are like, literally ripped!"

"Duh." With that said, she hung up on me.


I hate you mom!

Thirty minutes later I was standing outside a hugehouse, wearing my faded ripped jeans and a black t-shirt with my hair down and phone in my hand. Taking a deep breath, I rang the bell.

Maybe, just maybe, they are not home. My hope was crushed when I heard footsteps coming closer.

The door swung open, and there stood a beautiful woman in her late thirties. She had gorgeous blue eyes and thick brown hair. Her eyes widened and she grinned happily when she saw me.

"Come in, come in! You must be Avelyn!"

"Yes ma'am."

"Oh, stop with the formalities! You are the daughter of my best friend, after all. Call me Sarah."

Why have I never heard of a Sarah before if she claims to be my mom's best friend?

Because mom never talks about her friends with me.

I chuckled. "Okay, Sarah."

"Thank God you are here! I'm going out with my husband, Paul, and I don't want my son silently sneaking out." Exactly how old is he?

"Make sure he doesn't call any of his friends over or sneak out. We will be home by nine. If he gives you any trouble at all, just give me a call, okay?" I nodded my head and smiled. She's so sweet! I hope her son turns out to be as nice as her.

"You must be the babysitter." A man in his early forties came striding down the steps.

"You're late, Paul." Sarah scolded as he gave her a sheepish smile. For some reason, I feel like I know them from somewhere, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

"Where is he?" Sarah asked. Paul shrugged his shoulders.

"Dante!" She yelled, calling for her son. The sound instantly sent shivers down my spine.

A little while later, I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.

How much can a little boy weigh?

Oh no, it can't be him, right?

I mean, he's a fully grown guy, and he's capable of creating another kid. Why would his parents need a babysitter to take care of him?

The footsteps came closer. I instinctively turned around to meet with a very familiar face. His face morphed into shock, which disappeared and was replaced with a smirk. My eyes widened when I looked at him.

There's no doubt now why I recognised Sarah and Paul. All of them looked very similar, with Sarah having the same blue eyes and Paul having very similar facial features.

"Nerd." There was a hint of amusement and teasing in his voice, and I instantly felt nervous.

Is it too late to back off?


I fiddled with the hem of my t-shirt nervously, because none other than the infamous Dante Knight was standing right in front of me. And may I add, looking hot as hell.


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