Untitled Part 1

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Clint knew something was up. Lately he'd noticed he was getting weird impulses, take last night for instance.

He was in his bed watching TV, completely zoned out he realised his thumb had slipped into his mouth and he was actively sucking it. He'd pulled it out immediately and blushed redder than a ruby and wiped away the spit in his shirt with a grunt.

That was not the first time something like that had happened. He was constantly finding him self doing childish things from having a small screaming match with Tony about eating his cookies to waking up with wet sheets 5 times out of 10. He didn't know what to do but then it hit him.

He needed to be reclassified.

It wasn't unheard of for people as they get older to go from one classification to another depending on their life style. He decided to ask someone to come with him when he went.

He decided on Steve.


They where sparing when he asked.

"Steve?" Clint asks as he spars with the man in front of him

"Yeah?" Steve responds, aiming a kick to the side of the man.

"Think you could come with me to get re-classified?" He asks, dodging the kick and getting a well placed punch on Steve. The man grunts a bit but nods.

"Sure. Not planning on stealing one of my littles are you?" He teased a bit.

"Hopefully not" 


Here he was sat in the car with Steve as they arrived at the classification building. He could feel his stomach churning in fear as Steve parked up and got out. He waited for Clint to get out and follow him in. Steve seemed to be picking up on Clint's demeanour and wraps an arm around the man next to him casually. Clint gives him a glance and almost melts at the calming smile he's sending him. "I was told my Nick and Phil it's a bit terrifying to go in here. Don't worry about it ok?" He mumbles to Clint and watches as the stress seems to melt away.

"Ok...Ok lets go see how much of an idiot I am" He mutters and speeds in before Steve can correct him. The taller man sighed and phones Bucky whilst Clint signs himself in.

"...Get a room ready I think we're about to take in a third little" He mutters and Bucky laughs a bit down the phone.

"Guess on how old?" He asked, Steve could hear Tony's grumpy grunts from down the phone and smiled a little.

"Toddler. Probably 3 to 5 years" He mutters and smiles hanging up. Now it was just a waiting game.


Clint sat in the waiting room with Steve. He'd just taken the test and was waiting for the results, his hand gently drumming on the arm rest. He almost jumped when the door opened, cursing him self silently since he knew it would. The doctor smiled at the two. "Mr.Barton I have your results here." He says calmly. Clint stands up awkwardly with a gulp.

"What do they say?" Steve asked before Clint could get his words out. The man glared at Steve a little before turning back to the person that could change his life.

"Mr. Clint Barton is a little, We estimate around three to five years old" He informs them calmly. Steve holds back a grin whilst Clint stands stock stilled.

"...I was originally a baseline with a very high score towards caregiver....How did I drop to a little?" Clint asks softly, the assessor hums softly.

"Sometimes, when you've lived life in a certain way your body sends off the wrong signals. At the time of your first test I believe you where living on the streets and had just been introduced into S.H.E.I.L.D. You where most likely use to looking after your self and your body was sending off the wrong chemicals. I believe if you had come in a year later to get re-tested these results would be what you where given." Clint took this information in and looks to Steve in concern. Steve rests his hand on his shoulder with a reassuring smile.

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