Untitled Part 4

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This was Clint's day.

His day with his daddy and papa, his two brothers where at home working because they needed to be big today. Clint didn't, Clint had no missions, no stupid paper work nothing. He could spend allll day with his parents and he wouldn't have to worry about going big at the click of his fingers. He was filled with excitement and his caregivers could see it. Steve and Bucky shared a look as they watched their little boy bounce between playing with his cars and watching TV. Steve nudged Bucky lightly. "How 'bout we take the little monster to the park?" He asks gently, Bucky hums softly and shrugs.

"Maybe if we get Phil to bring Hunter, Leo or Jemma to come as well? You now how he gets going out when he's little. He gets squirmy." Bucky mutters, Steve chuckles a bit and hums in agreement. "I'll get him dressed in something more fitting for going outside, you phone Nick or Phil" He says casually and gets up from his spot on the sofa and strides over to Clint, said boy bounced excitedly towards his room shooting thirty questions at the man happily. Steve pulled out his phone and called up Nick.

"Nick....how many of your wards are little's right now?" He asks and Nicks tired groan echoed through the phone.

"All of them then?" He chuckles. "Meet us at central park. Phil and you can relax in the sun with us whilst Clint plays with them." He offers and he can hear the man groan a little.

"Ok...fine...an hour at the most ok?" Nick says and Steve agrees hanging up.


Clint bounced a little as he and his parents walked down the street. Steve wearing his usual baseball hat and Bucky wearing an oversized captain America hoodie with a cocky smirk on his face. Clint had a tight grip on Bucky's hand as he drags him along, Bucky laughed a little and smiled as he watched the boy bounce in excitement. "Slow down Clint, your papa's old legs can't keep up with me and you." He teases and Steve grunts a little from behind the two.

"You know what Barnes-" Clint lets out a loud squeal as he spots Hunter who lets out an equally loud shriek and both boys dart towards each other and tackle the other to the floor. Bucky blinks in shock for a moment before groaning lowly.

"Shit me kiddo." He mutters, walking towards the boys as they playfully fought on the floor. "Boys." He says chuckling and watches them giggle and roll around, he rolls his eyes a bit and sighs heavily.

"Leave 'em be Bucky, we'll just eat all the food to our selves" Phil's voice calls and Bucky had to bite his laugh back as the two boys stopped immediately and bolted to Phil.

"Uncle Phil!" Clint says excitedly, Hunter snorts a little at the name causing the other to look at him in confusion.

"Phil's my Mommy, So that makes him your Auntie." He states matter of factly and Phil looked ready to murder his son.

"No.no. Keep calling me Uncle. I am an uncle, ignore that monster standing next to you." Phil tries to save the scrape of masculinity. Bucky, Steve and Nick share a look and grin at the boy in question.

"Auntie Phill!" Clint exclaims and Phil sinks to the floor in defeat. "Auntie Phil! I want food. Is it tasty?" He asks excitedly, Clint groans more.

"Yeaaah Auntie Phil? What'd you pack?" Bucky joked a bit, Phil shot him a look that could kill. Bucky snapped his mouth shut with an audible click of his teeth and Phil smirked a little.

"I packed really really tasty food." He promised and both boys grin excitedly. "But for now can you go play with the other littles whilst we set up." He cooed and the boys bolted to the grass area where the younger ones where playing. Leo and Jemma where telling Steve about what they'd been doing with Nick on the weekend and how they where 'going to make him a mood ring like eyepatch' so that people knew if he was happy, annoyed or sad. Bucky had snorted at the idea and Nick tried to discourage it.

The two boys sat down with Peter and Daisy as they quietly babbled to one another, moving cars back and forth with little giggles here and there. Hunter and Clint shared a look before grinning at the younger ones. "What're you playin'?" Clint asks and Peter glanced up at him, Daisy moved slightly behind the other and glanced at the older boy. Hunter snorts a little.

"God you two act like he's scary" He teased a little and Clint puffs out his cheeks. 

"I can be scary" He says giggling a bit, the others laugh as well. Clint grins "We can play tag, me an' my brother's do all the time" The three look at him with wide excited eyes and Peter wobbled to his feet. 

"I ge' Jem-Jem an' Leo." He says excitedly, Clint watched the younger little toddle over excitedly, a clear diaper under his clothes as he pulled on his 'older' sibling's arms. The two giggled and followed him over.

"Lets play!" Hunter exclaims. "I wanna be it first!" He shouts and the others all start to toddle away giggling. Daisy follows Clint quietly, the older boy smiled at her and held her hand as they ran.

The adults watched from the bench as the littles played and smiled lightly. "I'm glad to see Skye getting on with some one out side of the family" Phil comments, leaning on Nick who just chuckles.

"Would of loved to see Tony and Bruce here as well but I suppose they're busy today right?" Nick asks tiredly, his hand combing over Phil's head.

"Mhm....Tony has designs to go over for SI and Bruce has a really important lecture to give. They really didn't want to miss today, Tony almost called Pepper to tell her he needed little time." Steve comments and Bucky laughs a bit. "He knew he couldn't do that though. Used that last time so he decided to suck it up and work today. We've promised him a trip to the zoo though." He says casually, Nick and Phil share a look.

"Do you have a pram for the three of them?" Phil asks, the two others blink a bit. "I say three because Clint might be older but his legs can get tired. Getting a twin pram and then a single one might be an option." Phil says gently and Steve groans.

"I completely forgot about prams" He mumbles and groans as Bucky barks out a laugh. 

"We'll go shopping tomorrow. I'm sure the boy's will love the idea of a pram." He stretches tiredly, Steve grunts and almost has a heart attack as Daisy falls over and lets out a small sob. He almost jumped up if Clint didn't slide to a stop and pull her up to check her. The little girl sniffled and clung to him and Clint froze a little. Steve's heart almost melted as he looked towards the adults with a look of pure terror. Nick strode over and rubbed his head with a smile and took his little girl into his arms. He whispers something to Clint making the boy beam and giggle at the man before Hunter ran over and tagged the boy. The game started back up as Nick held his little girl on his lap whilst he sat with the other adults. Daisy shyly looked at Steve and Bucky with curiosity as a few tears slid down her face. Nick gently wiped away the tears and kissed her head as they watched their boys play. 


By the end  of the day Clint was crashed out on Bucky's chest as they walked back to the tower, the man gently bounced him as they walked. Clint had a long day and like the other caregivers had predicted his legs ached and refused to walk, it took two minutes of Bucky carrying him for him to crash. "I'm thinking a matching set of prams? Lego themed maybe?" Steve mumbles as they arrive, Bucky snorts a bit.

"Maybe or we could get them colour themed ones? I mean Green seat for Bruce, Red for Tony, purple for Clint?" Bucky suggests, the two fire idea's back and forth as they get Clint down into his bed. Bucky smiles a little as he looks at his sleeping little boy. Steve leans against the door and wiggles his brows at Bucky. The man smirks back. "So. Mr. Barnes-Rogers. Think you could Take care of me?" He purred, closing the door to Clint's room behind them. Steve smirks a bit.

"Maybe. If you show me how well you can behave." He purrs in Bucky's ear. The two grin at each other and race to their room.

It was a very long night indeed.

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