Chapter 1: be careful what you wish for!

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12 PM
"Hey Gabbie" said Rose ( Rose has red hair and is 15 yrs old also being more on the shy side... Gabbie was surprised when Rose said "Hey". Rose doesn't have very many friends... at all. When she met Gabbie it was kind of her "saving grace" you'll learn more about Rose as the story goes on!) "Oh hi Rose" said Gabbie (as you read before Gabbie was very shocked that Rose even talked to her, even though they're friends, Gabbie has dark brown hair and is 14 and 3 quarters as she would like to say! She is very loud. Like Rose she doesn't have very many friends but for different reasons. For Rose nobody knows her because of how quiet and shy she is (she would probably have more friends if she interacted more) but for Gabbie she is REALLY loud and most people find it very annoying. So they basically just have each other. "So what have you been doing lately, ya know I haven't seen you in a long while!" says Rose " Well basically nothing you know same old, same old." Gabbie replies. "Oh do you wanna change that and hangout" Rose asks "Umm she I guess!" Said Gabbie "Okay well just come over around... say 5:30?" Said Rose "Okay sounds good!" Said Gabbie (still kind of skeptical about why Rose is actually interacting with her)
5:27 PM
"Omg I'm soooooo excited for Gabbie to come over!" Said Rose speaking to her mom "I'm very proud of you Rose you finally are having a 'play date'" said mom "Ugh mom I'm 15 nobody calls them play dates anymore, please try not to embarrass me this is my first time and possibly my last time ever having a friend over" Said Rose with an attitude "Okay. But who are you inviting over anyway?" Said Mom "Well her name is Gabbie, please don't get mad at me if you try and take a nap and can't fall asleep because of her she's very loud!" Said Rose "Okay?" Replied Mom
5:30 PM
Knock Knock "hold on mom I think she's here" Said Rose Opens door "omg hi" Said Gabbie "hi I'm so happy you actually came" Said Rose " what do you mean?" Said Gabbie as she sets her stuff down "oh by the way I brought stuff in case you wanna have a sleepover, not inviting myself though" "Okay and what I mean is I dont know I don't really have any friends. I'm shy and quiet. You're my only friend really. So I don't know what it's like to have a friend show up for you. Because of you. Just to see you" Said Rose in sadness "Well what should we do?" Said Gabbie "Well we could go swimming" replied Rose "okay let's go get our swimsuits on!" Said Gabbie "my rooms right this way..." Said Rose gets swimsuits on " I love your suit!" Said Rose "Awe thanks right back at you!" Goes swimming "I'm really enjoying this sometimes I just wish it could just be the two of us in this world" Said Gabbie "that very kind but be careful what you wish for!" Said Rose

hello everyone I'm Kayla I really hope you're enjoying the story. I know I'm enjoying writing it! Stay tuned until the next chapter. Make sure you vote and comment some suggestion questions or concerns!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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