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Taehyung was sitting on the couch, staring at Jungkook's father

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Taehyung was sitting on the couch, staring at Jungkook's father. Mr Jeon's face was filled with anger. Jungkook was still asleep, his head leaning on the armrest and legs clutched to his chest. Taehyung's leather jacket was draped over his small body so the piercing was hidden.

"Speak.", Mr Junghyun put his elbows on his knees, eyes squinting. He was deesses in a balck T-shirt and gray sweatpants. Basically looked like an older version of Jungkook. He had that mafia boss-dad-hot as fuck aura."Why is my son dressed like a  disco ball?"

"Mr Junghyun please don't be mad at him.", Taehyung pleaded and sighed."He's not a bad person. Just let him be. What's wrong with being yourself? That's what makes him unique."

"Taehyung, it's easy to say that when you're 20 years old, already know what to do with your life and being all manly, as one is supposed to be.", Mr Junghyun stared at his sleeping son."I don't hate him. I'm just worried life will ruin him. Because life takes away and ruins people like him, people who are artistic, different...the best kinds of people leave us the earliest. Whether we like it or not."

Taehyung nodded in understanding. There was something hidden in the meaning of what Mr Jeon was saying.

"His wonderful wife...she died a few years ago. She was always herself, you know? Brutally honest, feisty. So much like him. She encouraged Jungkook to wear girly clothes and put make up on when he told her he wanted to. She didn't think about the consequences. I was always mad at her for doing this. For being so open, so truthful. Because the world didn't deserve her. I wanted to make Jungkook strong, independent, to be..."

" be like you.", Taehyung finished.

"Yes.", Jungkook's father stared at a blank spot somewhere behind Taehyung."I know how harsh kids are these days. I know they will do something to him. I accepted the fact he's gay. I accepted the fact he liked to dress girly only at home...but now...", he motioned to Jungkook's sleeping body."Look at him. He's wearing a dress. And if someone dares to do something to him, how will I protect him? When I couldn't even protect my own wife.", Mr Jeon looked down and clenched his fists.

Taehyung slowly let his eyes travel to the boy next to him. "I think he's fine just being himself."

"But till when, Taehyung?", Mr Junghyun's eyes were wide."Till someone makes fun about him looking like that? I don't want to see him closing himself again. He doesn't deserve this world's cruelty. I'm just trying to protect him from it. Because his mother didn't let me do so."

Taehyung nodded and hesitantly put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder."I believe he can make it in life. He is strong and he will achieve anything he wants. I know you see it as a problem now, that he is different, but let him be. Let him have the freedom to express himself.", the boy smiled sadly."Let him have what I couldn't have, because I was too afraid of being judged."

"You're a good boy.", Mr Junghyun smiled at Taehyung."Protect my son. I know he doesn't want to, but I ask you to do it. Be next to him and don't let him be hurt, I trust you. Good night.", he got up and left.


Taehyung layed Jungkook on his bed and carefully wiped the make up  off his face, leaving him bare. Flushed skin, scar on his cheek, a pimple here and there  and freckles. Yet he looked more beautiful like this.

"Taehyung...", the younger mumbled and his eyes slowly opened."Where are we?"

"We're at home. Don't worry.", the gray haired boy smiled and helped the other to sit up."Help me dress you up, come on."

With much effort Taehyung undressed Jungkook. Now the younger was laying down with only underwear, some cotton panties, breathing slowly and looking at the older."Taheyung?"

"Taehyung.", the sober one corrected the cute drunk boy and chuckled."Yes?"

"Fuck me."

Taehyung shook his head and pulled out a soft pink t-shirt and purple boxers."You're dead drunk, Jungkook."

"But you didn't say no.", Jungkook said in a small happy voice and smiled sheepishly, then giggled.

"You little brat.", Taehyung smiled and helped him to dress up."Sleep now, tomorrow we'll talk.", the older pulled the blanket up to Jungkook's chin and tucked him in, making a cute Jungkook burrito."Night, Jungkookie."

"I wan' a kiss.", Jungkook made a kissy face and waited. His small lips pouty, eyes looking at Taehyung with their usual sparkle.

The older leaned in and kissed Jungkook's cute nose."Here."

"You missed!", he whined.

Taehyung ignored his lil tantrum."Jungkook...Why were you crying earlier?"

The boy pouted."That one guy was touching my ass all the time. But when I tried to kiss him, he pushed me away. He said I'm ugly and smeared my lipstick with his hand on purpose. Told me boys shouldn't wear lipstick.", Jungkook looked away."And that when I'm not a girl why am I...acting like one."

Taehyung swallowed the lump in his throat. Mr Jeon was right. The cruel world didn't deserve Jungkook.

Taehyung leaned in and kissed the boy's forehead, letting his lips stay there a little."To me, you're perfect just the way you are.", he whispered,"Goodnight, Jungkook."


A/N triple update because your author-nim can't wait

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