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I felt a since of relief knowing his name. Tyler, I didn't want to call him McSexy anymore. He was definitely still sexy but he was a sexy Jerk and he didn't deserve such a cute nickname. When he lifted up his head after his mom introduced him he had a huge grin on his face. Dinner was great and quite awkward.

I was mostly quiet but answered the few questions Grace had for me.

"So you go to the same school as Tyler?"

"Do you like Wisconsin?"

After dinner my mother offered to have me help clean off the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher with Tyler.

"I actually have homework."

"You've had 3 hours before we came here to do it. That's your fault."

I tried not to shoot daggers at my mom, and I couldn't argue with her or I would never hear the end of how she was embarrassed by me, and how I was on punishment forever.

"You're right." I lied through my teeth and followed Tyler into the kitchen.

"Surprised?" he laughed.

"I can't deal with you outside of school."

We continued to load the dishwasher and put away leftovers. Tyler proceeded to tell me how he was going to seek vengeance and make my life a living hell.

"Well whatever way you'd like to put it, I've got extra days of detention and you're going to pay. I'm a pretty brutal person when I want to be."

"You're going to beat me?"

"No,"he laughed as he turned the dishwasher on, "that's insane."

A little while after that we went home. I took a shower, finished my homework, and turned off the light. As soon as I hit the light switch, music from Tyler's house started playing. The music kept me up half off the night and when I actually got to sleep I had to wake up a couple of hours later. After eating half of my breakfast the doorbell rang.

"You look so tired." Tyler laughed.

"What are you doing here?"

"It was requested that I drive you to school."

"By who?!" I scoffed.

"Our mothers."

"I haven't finished my breakfast, so you can leave me."

He pushed past me and sat on the couch.

"I'll just wait."


"Did you enjoy the metal last night?"

"Thoroughly, I rocked out to it for half of the night." I said sarcastically.

"Good to hear."

After finishing my cereal we walked out to his car.

"I can see why you hang out with Hilly."

"I don't, I mean I'm not going to anymore, I just didn't want to be alone on my first day."

"You both like to manipulate people."

"I'm sorry about the extra days of detention, but what does Hilly have to do with any of this?"

"We use to date and I really liked her. But she liked TJ, my best friend at the time. She tricked me to get to him. And to make it worse he just left the friendship behind because of her."

I didn't understand why Tyler was coming out with all of his feelings but we were finally at school so I jumped out and rushed to my locker. I'm horrible at comforting people.

"Hey Atlee!" Hilly tried to flag me down but I ignored her. "I know you hear me! Well, you have my number text me if you need a ride to the party at the Hills tonight."

I definitely wasn't going to a party tonight especially after two days of knowing these people.



After school I went home and freshened up because there was a party at The Hills tonight and everyone was going to be there. The Hills is an area in the woods about 30 minutes away from the school. Jason Bradley comes from a loaded family who owns the place and he throws parties up there a couple times a year. It's a huge cabin-styled mansion hidden in the woods.

Wassup bro need a ride 2nite?

My friend Alex sent me a text.

Na. gonna do homewrk b4 I leave.

Alright see u there bro.

I started doing my homework but fell asleep in the middle of doing the math.





I woke up to my phone exploding with text from Alex.

party started 2hrs ago

leaving now.

I finally texted him back.

It was 11 pm on a Tuesday night and instead of being at home, asleep, half of the student body was partying at a cant-miss-experience at The Hills. I left the house and headed north. After about 15 minutes I was heading uphill and there were nothing but trees in sight. Out of nowhere my car started smoking. I parked along the road and got out to check under the hood, but everything looked fine.

"Yea, Alex? I had to call a tow truck. The car won't start back up and it's smoking so can you take me home after the tow truck comes in about 5 minutes? Just keep driving and you'll see me . Thanks bro. Bye."

After 7 minutes of waiting the tow truck came and took my car. I sat on the ground and waited for Alex. It was incredibly dark outside and that's why I didn't see it coming. A fucking Gray dog came charging at me rapidly. It took a quick jab at my ribs with its teeth before scurrying along. I couldn't wait much longer for Alex to come so I stumbled up the road until I finally saw him.

"What the fuck bro! Is Freddy and Jason out here?" Alex joked.

"It was a dog. A gray dog it bit me." I winced in pain.

"A dog in the woods bit you for no reason?! That Jason shit sounds better." He laughed.

"Just take me home Alex please."

"Not the hospital?"

"I can handle it by myself."

"Sure then."


After getting home I cleaned the wound with alcohol and peroxide and put gauze on it. It hardly hurt and the bite wasn't really deep. I fell asleep again.


I woke up the next morning and took the gauze off to take a shower. The marks had completely disappeared and I knew then that something was wrong with me.


Hi, Yes, I will be switching POVS in this story. This chapter is short and probably horribly put together but I wont wait a week again, I'll probably put out another short chapter sometime this week. It's hard working on summer assignments and juggling things you actually want to do. I mean, I'd rather be writing about Dylan Sprayberry 24/7 than completing an essay on the Vietnam War + 32 other pages of work!!! SOS HELP NOW!

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