☀ Favoritism

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qotd; which idols do you think Dae would have relationships with (either good or bad)?

tough luck. i'm her favorite

 i'm her favorite❞

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"Noona!" A shrill shout echoed from the living room.

"Aish," Dae muttered as she continued to stir the broth in the pot, "What now?"

  Dae was busy preparing dinner when she heard BamBam yell down the hallway, followed by a rumble of footsteps.

"Dae noona!" BamBam once again exclaimed before he went by the stove, wrapping his arms around Dae's shoulders, and bringing her into a hug from behind, "Have I told you how much I love you and your cooking?"

Dae playfully scoffed and rolled her eyes at BamBam's obvious attempt to suck up. She could only wonder what he was up to.

"What do you want Bammie?" She didn't bother to look at him as she grabbed some noodles and set it into the soup, "I'm trying to make dinner."

"I'm your favorite right?" He whispered and squeezed her tighter.

Dae shook her head and chuckled, amused by the younger boys antics.

"Seriously?" She turned the stove on a lower setting, put a cover over the pot, and turned around the face her dongsaeng, "You interrupt me making dinner to ask this?"

BamBam just nodded in his head in a 'Duh, of course that's what I'm doing' way and looked expectingly for an answer.

Dae laughed, affectionately ruffling his hair, "Sure. You're my favorite."

BamBam didn't bother to fix his hair as he turned towards the way island counter, throwing his hands up in the air, and shouting a great, "Aha! Noona loves me the most!"

Four different people popped up from behind the counter, making Daeun jump back in surprise. How had they hidden behind the counter without her noticing. Youngjae, Yugyeom, Jinyoung, and Jackson all stood with disbelief written across their face.

"Yah!" Yugyeom yelled out, pointing an accusing finger at BamBam, "She was obviously joking! I'm noona's favorite, obviously!"

Jackson slapped a hand over the maknae's mouth and sent a deadly glare in his direction, "Uh, no. She obviously didn't mean it. You babies might not know, but it's clear to see that I'm her favorite."

Jinyoung just scoffed and rolled his eyes before opening up the refrigerator and grabbing a water bottle.

"You can all bicker," He cracked up the water bottle, "But let's not forget...I'm her lockscreen."

In that moment, World War III commenced.

"What!" BamBam yelled, snatching Dae's phone from the counter and powering on her phone, "What is this?"

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