Chapter One: I, Blake Archer

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Today makes sixteen years of me being alive. We don't celebrate like those goody-two-shoes in Poshcliff. Here in Brimstone, we get assigned new classes, a new assignment, and a new honor to be apart of the family.

I'm the best thief you could hire, people here respect me for it. I have really good eyes and I'm quick on my feet. They call me Foxeye. My shadow is on WANTED posters all around Poshcliff. Everyone stays out of my way; meaning: I work alone.

I'm Blake Archer. Third in command to Master Slade. I would be second in command but the newbie to Brimstone caught Slades eye, so second in command is her spot. Her name is Miranda Stone. Everyone knows that "Stone" is not her real last name, but no one puts her on the spot like that. You see, she goes by "Mir". Everyone is afraid of her because she is know for the most murders in Azure. So just like that, everyone followers her orders.

Except for me.

I don't take shit from anyone. No one bosses Blake Archer around. I play by my own rules, which are made up as I go. If I ever get sent to Slade for being "disobedient" I only get a small lecture and get sent up to my room, which I sneak out of. No biggy.

I've been working alone since my mother died seven years ago. My real father was Leader of Brimstone until he passed away as well. My mother was six months pregnant with me, while she spoke at my fathers funeral. So she took his place as Leader, then married Slade.

When my mother died, Slade changed... everything. Rules, classes, his personality, his looks, and he even orders the people of Brimstone to call him "Master Slade".

Which is totally lame, I know.

Honestly, I loved Slade as if he was my real father. But now, I hate his guts.

He tells me how to control my body: like to stain my hair black to get rid of my beautiful blonde, which I get from my mother.

Then he wants me to dress slutty, like Miranda, Yeah, I don't think so.

I'm glad it's my day to thief. I need to get out of this Hell hole for a bit. I need to see Drew.

Drew is my love. He is also Prince Drew Walker, of Poshcliff.

Bummer, right?

But when I'm in Poshcliff Town Square, scoping out my next robbery, I'm disguised as a good town girl.

It hurts me like a dagger to the heart, knowing that I'm lying to Drew. But I like him and don't want to hurt him. He is better than any Brimstone bastard out there.

When I actually steal, it's always dark out. I'm always in full undercover uniform. I'm a wanted criminal. The funny part is:

Everyone thinks I'm a guy.

So me as a cute town girl equals great cover.

Man, does it feel good to be wanted and no one know it's you?

Hell yeah it does.

Finally, one of Slades little slaves came into my room, without knocking I might add, and gives me my classes folder.

"These files are classified." She says real mono-toned. She looks about the age of twelve.

"Really? I hadn't noticed the big, bold, and bright red letters marked "classified"." I said sarcastically throwing my black leather jacket over my right shoulder.

I glare at her while snatching the folder out of her tiny, thin fingers.

I grunted after I opened it. "Surprise, surprise, I got just what I wanted, see." I pretend to show the small girl my files. She quickly covers her eyes with her hands; almost as if she were scared of what would happen if she saw them.

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