Chapter 6

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A.N. 31/07/2018

Hello my lovelies!

I am so sorry for the long wait, I've been dealing with moving to a new country, starting a new job, and basically just trying to get my life together!

It's all going smoothly now so I thought I'd start off this new era right with a chapter for you patient readers!

Thank you for all your comments and votes, they mean a lot to me!

So without further ado, here is the latest chapter!

P.S. The photo is above is how I see Jay in my head ;)


The sun is high in the sky when I emerge from my bedroom the following morning. Only Sam's perfume lingers in the hallway, its wearer long gone. Glancing at the clock in the hallway, I realise with a start that it is already past noon.

"Shit," I hiss through the air. Chloe is going to kill me.


Rushing through the crowded shoppers in the centre of town an hour later, my half-damp hair streaming behind me, I turn sharply down a side street and cut through a narrow alleyway. I step out into a quaint, pedestrianised square, dotted with open-air cafes and little vintage shops that my friend, Ophelie, absolutely adores.

My attention is drawn to the square's main feature, a monumental fountain rising 20 feet into the air, adorned with Greek sculptures of men bathing in the clear water. I stop for a moment, as I always do, to contemplate the intricate carvings.

"I have to say, this is my favourite statue in the whole city," a wistful voice rings out from behind me. "All those naked men, lounging on each other, rubbing against one another - sounds like a good time to me."

I spin around, a wide grin invading my features as I envelop the beaming boy who interrupted my musings.

"Jay, you made it!" I exclaim.

"Of course, chica! As if I'd miss a get-together with my girls!" he scoffs, linking our arms and leading me towards a manic person making helicopter arm gestures, who I recognise to be my crazy friend.

"Well, you two took your sweet-arse time," is how Chloe greets us, complete with a stern look. All credibility, however, is lost due to the bemused smile that accompanies her rebuke.

"Hush up," Jay scoffs, "You know you can't rush this perfection," he says sassily, running his hands down his body and swirling his hips suggestively.

Chloe's lip twitch as she tries to hold back her laughter. She rolls her eyes before sitting back down and gesturing for us to do the same.

Jay and Chloe launch into conversation, but I am content to just listen. I watch the two of them interact, observing what seems, at a first glance, to be the most unlikely of friendships. Jay is sweet, trying to save the world one animal at a time, and boy-crazy. He has an air of innocence about him, an infectious smile that you can't help but to return, and it makes him lethal to any guy he sets his sights on. They are helpless when it comes to Jay because his bubbly, happy-go-lucky personality is so genuine, and in a world full of fakers, that is hard to come by, and therefore sexy as hell. His youthful appearance and wide-eyed demeanour makes men want to cater to his every need, be his protector, his knight in shining armour.

Chloe could not be more different. She looks like a 50's pin-up model, is all curves and red lips, and fiercely independent. A staunch feminist, she always says that she dresses the way she does and presents herself as "a sexy sinful fucking goddess" as a way of expression and to fuck with people's heads. She thrives on eliciting reactions from onlookers, and the more outrageous the behaviour, the better. The trail of men drooling behind her is long, and I pity them for their delusion when it comes to Chloe. Guys want to claim her, make her theirs, keep her for themselves; but trying to trap a flame only causes it to extinguish. Chloe is free, and has to stay that way to be true to herself. And in that respect, Jay and Chloe could not be more similar. The gagging boys left in their wake are plentiful, but they will never be more than passing flings. While Jay is like a butterfly, touching you with his beauty for a brief instant before fluttering away, Chloe hits you like a freight train, then chews you up and spits you out.

Some people would call them callous man-eaters, playing with unsuspecting men's emotions, and heartless users, but I know that not to be true. They are both full of love, and capable of meaningful relationships, but for them to thrive, they cannot be shackled. The guys that come along want to lay claim to these two beautiful people, but a desire to possess will only suppress that beauty. They are kindred souls in their need for freedom, and that in itself creates a deep bond that surpasses trivial things such as outward appearances.

"Well, you're awfully quiet, babes," Chloe murmurs, nudging my side. I look up to see her watching me with a rare motherly gaze, saved for only her most inner circle.

"I'm alright," I reply, "Just had a bit of a rough sleep." I shrug. "Nightmares and shit."

I'm not hiding from them. I trust these guys like family. But talking about my demons with one person is enough. I just cannot revisit that topic of conversation so soon after, or I'll never stop screaming.

My friends nod in understanding, which makes me cringe internally at the lie.

My eyes wander and I observe the other people around me. I find myself searching for a face, and I frown at myself when I realise I'm subconsciously scouting for Axl's.

"Ok, enough!" Chloe claps her hands together. "What is with you? You're staring off into space, pulling faces, and looking like a gormless idiot!" She cuts off suddenly. "Oh shit - what's his name?"

Jay squeals and proceeds to bounce in his seat like an excitable child. Well, I did mention that he was boy-crazy.

Their expectant faces are too persuasive and before I know it, I'm telling them all about my encounter with this strange, seemingly perfect boy.

As I end my tirade, I watch their faces carefully, wary of all emotions flitting across their features. Chloe is staring at me, unblinking, with her left eyebrow raised. Meanwhile Jay is fidgeting in his seat and chewing his lip, eyes alight with excitement.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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