The Begining of It All

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"Y/N! you're going to be late for school!", your mother yelled from the staircase. As you ran to car, she was talking to you about college and your future. You ignored her as you had different aspirations in life.

While rushing to class, you find a poster that says, "Online Variety Talent Contest", an idea flashes into your head just as the bell rings, interrupting your thoughts. You run to class with no excuse as to why you were late.

"DETENTION!", your rude teacher screams at you as she hands you a slip. "You've been late three times this week, two more this month and you'll be suspended!", she exclaimed. You respond with "I-I'm sorry mam, me and my mom were arguing, a-a an", she cuts you off, "NO MORE EXCUSES MISS/MR Y/LN!".

*School bell rings*

"I'm home." you say as you enter the front door of your house. "Good, now get comfy because you're not leaving this house all weekend." "W-w what?!" You reply. "You heard me right young lady/man, you are staying right here and filling out college applications." "No, I'm not even sure about continuing school yet, you can't force me into another four years of hell!" You replied, very angrily. "You are getting a degree and that is final!" Your mother continued. "Hey, mom, real quick, I wanted to ask you about this." You handed her the flyer from this morning. She says "Absolutely not! You are to focus on your education, strictly." "But mom....." you say, disappointed. "I said no, end of discussion"

We've come to your first choice in the story line.

Would you like to, enter the contest anonymously and tell no one. Skip to part 2

Or, confront your mother and tell her to her face that you will enter and she will deal with it. Skip to part 3

High Hopes (Choose your own story)Where stories live. Discover now