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The nerve of him! He dared to turn down my friendship, and for that Weasley brat! I will most definitely make sure they suffer for it. Or maybe... no, that wouldn't work. I wish we could use Unforgivables. Crucio! I'd cast at Weasley and Potter would have to see that I'm better, more powerful. Can't believe it, Potter rejected me for a blood traitor. He's no Dark Lord, he just got lucky. If only I could kill him, then everyone would bow down to me. If I take down the one who defeated the Dark Lord, I would be the most powerful wizard in existence. I would be even stronger than old Dumbledore.

He should have been sacked a long time ago. Father says he's old and delusional. He told me that Dumbledore actually cares about those filthy mudbloods.

Father will most definitely hear about Weasley stealing Potter from me. He'll make sure to do something about it. He will be disappointed to hear that Potter isn't a new dark lord though. I can't believe we ever thought that, filthy muggle loving blood traitors, all of them!

Stupid, stupid Potter. And stupid, stupid Weasley. He was already rude enough in the robe shop, not responding when I talked to him. Now he had to go befriend a Weasley of all people. A Weasley!

Everyone thinks he's so great. Wonderful Potter with his scar and perfect life. Everything is all his fault!

Draco Malfoy MonologueWhere stories live. Discover now